You can set 4 programs / web
RankQuest Duplicate Keyword
SmartWhois is a network
This e-book was created for
pages into this program,
Remover Tool removes
information utility that
educational purpose only. On
then you can click the
duplicate keywords and sort
allows you to find out all
practice it contain
button to launch it.
them for the given list of
available information about
descriptions, methods,
Saves having to open the
The list of
an IP address, host name, or
techniques using by
start menu all the time, and
unique keywords and
Unlike standard
marketers. Understanding
it's only one thing on the
duplicates removed are
Whois utilities, SmartWhois
what exactly they do and how
Just open it
displayed in the result
can find the information
they do it will help you to
and click the button for the
There is also a provision to
about a computer located in
educate yourself, to
program you want.
save the list of unique
any part of the world,
increase your marketing
keywords as a .txt file
querying the right database
knowledge and to become more
and delivering all the
related records within
SmartWhois is
capable of caching query
results, which reduces the
time needed to query an
Date: Aug, 23 2006 Date: Oct, 11 2006 Date: Jan, 19 2005 Date: May, 16 2005 |
Firefox Bookmark Converter
This program is a
RegCool is a full-featured
Criline Search and Replace is
(ffbkconvrt) will take an
professional PC shut down,
Registry editor and manager.
a search and replace program
exported bookmarks file
time sync, disk cleaning and
In addition to all the
that handles multiple files
(tested with version 1.4x to
PC protection utility. dfg
standard features, RegCool
with just
a few clicks.
1.5x of Firefox) and make it
ShutDown gives you an easy
adds a variety of powerful
Major advantages:
into a simple yahoo style
and thorough time controlled
features that allow you to
HEX search and replace.
portal system. Use this for
and automatic way to
work faster and more
Fast search algorithm.
your own personal homepage
shutdown, restart or log off
efficient with registry
Regular expressions
for quick links to your
your system Optionally it
related tasks. It allows you
- Search and
favorite sites.
will run as a NTservice.
to cut, copy, paste, move,
replace in archives.
index page, sub folders, and
Add. options: Countdown
delete, and rename keys and
Comprehensive user
all content is controlled
Counter (visual and
values. It offers an
- Keeps your
with templates, so you can
acoustic), built in alarm
explorer style; interface
files safe.
- Excellent
customize the end results to
clock function (alarm
remote Registry editing;
documentation is
be as fancy, or as simple as
sound), PC protection,action
.reg and hive (Regedit and
- A real
you want.
Written in
logging,atomic time PC
RegEdt32 compatible) file
time-saver for programmers
VBScript, this will only run
editing; import, export,
and webmasters.
on Windows machines with
backup, and restore
VBScript installed.
functionality; and flexible
property pages for setting
keys and values.
Date: Jun, 20 2006 Date: Feb, 23 2005 Date: Jun, 14 2005 Date: Nov, 04 2005 |