1. A page that has HTML
SV Bookmark is a visual
MoodBook is a tiny Windows
Gsoftpad is multi languages,
errors can be difficult for
bookmark manager that allows
utility that brings art to
multi OS software for
a Search Engine Spider to
you to associate screenshots
your desktop and sets a tone
create, valid and edit PAD
crawl. Thus it is advisable
of a web site with each
for your daily mood and
file. PAD stands for
to have your page HTML
entry. Hovering your mouse
emotions! With MoodBook your
Portable Application
validated to spot any errors
over an entry displays a
desktop looks like an art
Description. By using the
that may be there in the
small popup screenshot of
gallery changing art
PAD system, developers save
2. RankQuest HTML
the site, making it easy to
expositions either
time by having to create a
Validator spots all errors
remember the content. The
automatically, at regular
description of their
in your page based on W3C
program provides advanced
time intervals, or manually,
software packages only once.
standards and lists them
features such as thumbnails
with a click. Each
Saved in XML file and stored
with the line number so that
and full-size screenshots,
exposition has either a
on web server, this
you can make necessary
searching, duplicate
tranquil, neutral or vivid
description can then be
checking, URL validation,
background and a picture of
uploaded quickly to all
password protection and more.
art in the center.
sites that support PAD.
Additionally, MoodBook is
Webmasters can process these
designed to help you control
PAD files and extract the
your sense and mind.
data appropriate for their
site. They can keep the
contents of their site
current by polling PAD files
on the web sites of the
authors of the software they
Date: Oct, 02 2006 Date: Feb, 08 2006 Date: Feb, 21 2004 Date: Dec, 24 2004 |
Multimodal Browser and
Arabic KeyWord
Write in
History Cleaner- Free Version
No longer do you need to mess
Toolkit is a technology that
arabic font, even if you
is an innovative solution
around with several
allows the development and
don't have Arabic system
for your online privacy
different keyword research
execution of multimodal
installed, Write your email
issues. This program is
tools or visit different
applications written to the
in arabic, your text etc.
equipped with features such
websites for your keyword
W3C Acknowledged Submission
(work only with IE)
as cleaning the secret
research. EVERYTHING you
called XHTML+Voice (X+V).
index.dat file, typed url,
need to research keywords
The Multimodal Browser was
cookies, cache, most
and manage your keyword
developed in a strategic
recently used data among
lists and sub-lists is
relationship with Opera
other things. It increases
provided within one
Software ASA and consists of
the speed of your PC by
application - TheDowser
the Opera Browser enhanced
removing all unnnecessary
Keyword Research and
with extensions that include
files and thus makes more
Management Software.
IBM's automatic speech
hard disk available for use.
recognition and
It also removes all traces
text-to-speech technology.
of applications and internet
The Multimodal Toolkit is
based on the Eclipse
framework and the Voice
Toolkit 3.1, with added
plug-ins to support the X+V
Date: Feb, 03 2003 Date: Jun, 04 2006 Date: Feb, 01 2005 Date: Sep, 22 2005 |