WebNews.TV downloads the
Absolutist's Mahjongg has
ABC Amber ScrapBook Converter
- Does defragmenting your
latest news from RSS news
four variants that make the
is an advanced utility which
hard disk take too long
feeds and Web sites and then
game stand out among the
converts ScrapBook (Firefox
- Does your screen
shows and pronounces them in
others.Play Classic or
extension) data to CHM
saver interfere when you
TV like screen. Funny
Shuffle game, Word Mahjongg
format easily and quickly.
defrag your hard disks?
characters (for example -
or Math Mahjongg. It's an
The software allows you to
Does "Drive's content
penguin) entertain you while
endless game for the finite
convert all folders,
changed: restarting
you are reading and
life.The main task of the
starting from the selected
..." sound familiar?
listening news headlines.
game is performing reverse
folder or only selected
Does "Windows cannot
For each news theme (world
engineering of the pyramid
folder. As all ABC Amber
defragment this drive
news, sports, technology,
of tiles. Simultaneously the
products, it's really easy
because ..." sound
entertainment, etc.) you get
player should remove two
as ABC and powerful as Amber.
- Did you know
different emotion of TV
identical tiles.You can
that Windows pagefile
dictor (character)
select tile layout or tile
(swapfile), besides slowing
represented by special
set according to your
down the defrag process, is
cartoon movie corresponded
liking. Specially selected
the main reason for poor
to this theme.
music will tie you to the
results after a disk
- Did you know that
defragmenting ~500 MB of
Temporary Internet Files,
index.dat files and junk
files is waste of time and
you should clean up your
disk before disk
Defragmenter Pro
Plus is a utility to
automate the necessary steps
for an efficient and
problem-free disk
Just click Ok,
turn off your screen and go
to bed. Defragmenter Pro
Plus will:
1. Clean up
hard disk.
2. Remove the
pagefile (swapfile).
Disable running
4. Run
Windows/DOS Scandisk.
Run Windows/DOS defrag
6. Set the pagefile
7. Enable
running applications.
The Pro version
includes command line
capability for automation
Date: Nov, 30 -1 Date: Jul, 29 2004 Date: Jun, 01 2006 Date: Apr, 04 2004 |
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Date: Jan, 04 2002 Date: May, 19 2005 Date: Aug, 18 2004 Date: Dec, 15 2006 |