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/** Search */



Web Table Extractor

Hits: 455


Hits: 444


Hits: 442

Advanced RSS2Email Premier

Hits: 441
Web Table Extractor is an
Create Rounded Corner HTML
Quick search IMDB for a movie
Advanced RSS2Email helps you
add-on for Internet Explorer
Tables and Forms with Drop
on your harddrive by a
to: download newsfeeds in
(IE) allowing you to extract
Shadows and other effects in
simple right click on the
RSS and XML format, reformat
tables from web pages in an
seconds! Anyone can use the
movie in Windows Explorer
them according to
effective and quick manner.
built-in graphics editor to
and then choose SendTo =>
user-defined HTML templates,
Also allows you to easily
create high quality designs
upload results to website
select tabular data online
from menu selections, then
IMDBMovieLookup is a
via shared folder or ftp,
and convert it into files
slice them into sections and
simple VBScript (.vbs) that
work with free newsfeeds and
for Microsoft Excel. This
optionally create HTML
runs on all MS-Windows
articles available for
Internet Explorer add-on
containers to position the
download and redistribution.
makes it possible to find
slices. No other program
and extract data from tables
required. No graphics talent
into a new window, or to
required. 70 sample designs
look through the HTML code
included. Imports over 40
of the selected table.
image formats. Dress up
your web page or eBay
auction listings!

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Feb, 23 2005

Date: Nov, 07 2005

Date: Sep, 25 2006
bookmark code Generator for
Scan the internet for
Easy Time Tracking is an
Joystick Cheats manager is
your visitor to bookmark
computers with shared files!
ideal solution for the
your access point to all
your web site with just 1
Browse/download files from
individual contractors who
your cheats. You can get all
remote computers all over
need to know how much time
the cheats you need for
the world! Can handle any
they spent on certain tasks
free. The cheats that you
file type: MP3, MPG, AVI,
and how many hours they need
can choose from is
to bill their clients for.
constantly growing, and
Your company should get a
include all systems
copy of Easy Time Tracking
available for play. You dont
if it needs to track
need to go anywhere else for
employees' or contractors'
your cheats, as they all
time, have detailed
reside at manager.
statistics on who and how
spends the time on one or
several projects, know how
profitable were the projects
for a certain customer.

Date: Jun, 03 2005

Date: Dec, 09 2004

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Feb, 19 2005
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