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/** Search */



Take Command

Hits: 140

P2P Share Spy

Hits: 430

Vincent van Gogh Art

Hits: 773
Take Command offers a new
Scan the internet for
Nothing very fancy but if
Bring Vincent van Gogh art to
approach to working in
computers with shared files!
you'd like to change the
your desktop! Vincent van
Windows, bringing users the
Browse/download files from
wallpaper of your Active
Gogh is the greatest painter
power of the command line
remote computers all over
Desktop every few seconds,
of the Post-Impressionism
and the ease of use of the
the world! Can handle any
you might find this
era. His paintings are among
Windows interface. Take
file type: MP3, MPG, AVI,
application useful. Use -
the most expensive paintings
Command supports existing
Run the application. Set the
in the world. The full
CMD.EXE commands and batch
application to point at a
version of this pack
files, and adds thousands of
folder that contain jpg,
includes 95 high-quality
new features, giving you
jpeg, bmp, dib and/or png
images for your desktop. A
more power and flexibility
image files. Set the amount
free wallpaper utility,
than you ever imagined.
of time (In seconds) between
MoodBook, will draw pictures
wallpaper swaps and click
from this pack on your
the start button. The
desktop, creating a nice
application puts an icon
look and feel of an art
onto the system tray, so you
gallery full of great works
can close the aplication and
of art...
wallpaper swapping will
continue. Right click the
system tray icon to stop
swapping or to unload the
application. New version
fixes a few bugs, allows
longer intervals (From 1
second to 60 Mins) and is
more random.

Date: Dec, 09 2004

Date: Dec, 09 2004

Date: Dec, 04 2004

Date: Dec, 04 2004
CLCL is a clipboard caching
Fox Ping Toolbar adds ping,
When a beginner who has VB6
This patch allows qmail to
utility. All clipboard
trace and other features to
experience first time opens
use multiple interfaces/ips
formats are supported.
Internet Explorer. It will
.NET and just going about
for outgoing smtp
Template can be registered.
display in Internet
making a form up he/she
connections. It allows the
Pop-up menu is displayed by
Explorer's toolbar various
could notice there is no
system administrator to set
'Alt+C'. Menu can be
server information about the
Line in the .NET toolbox.
up an ip pool with the
customized. Items are pasted
web site you are visiting.
What happened, where did it
desired ips and then qmail
automatically. Picture is
It displays ping times, page
go? There is a difference
will rotate trough the list
displayed on a menu. Tool
load times, server type, IP
from VB6 forms that Windows
of ips for each outgoing
tip is displayed on a menu.
address and trace routes at
Forms .NET does not support
The format to leave and the
the click of a button. It
the Line control. The
format to save can be set
also shows advanced error
Line class is based on
up. The ignored window can
and HTTP server header
System.Drawing namespace
be set up. The paste key for
replies. You can easily
that provides access to GDI+
every window can be set up.
ping, trace and whois from
basic graphics
Function is extensible with
Internet Explorer and keep
functionality. A Line
the results in archived log
control is a graphical
control that displays a
horizontal, vertical, or
diagonal one-pixel-wide line
that can't be changed
directly. The Line control
can be changed dynamically
at run time. The control
class Line that is
implemented in both
languages (VB.Net and C#) is
derived from

Date: Dec, 04 2004

Date: Dec, 02 2004

Date: Dec, 02 2004

Date: Nov, 28 2004
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