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7tools Partition Imager

Hits: 971

7tools Partition Manager

Hits: 394

Letter Of Recommendation

Hits: 760
7tools Partition Imager 2005
7tools Partition Manager 2005
Letters of recommendation are
"e-Zvit" reporting
affords everything you may
– hard disk storage
very important materials for
server is an OpenSource
need to backup your data. It
maintenance. All operations
work references and career
system for sending in,
supports all commercial
you may need at home to
enhancement. You can now
saving and analizing of
operating systems and is
perform regular maintenance
have 40+ Professionally
reporting forms. Any tall
suitable for both everyday
by your own. Partition new
written Letters Of
structure of reporting
and rare needs. It provides
hard disk from the scratch
Recommmendation for any
organizations can use
remote management over LAN
or upgrade old one. Prepare
occassion for just 19.99
"e-Zvit" system
through TCP/IP or IPX
hard disk for any operating
for working with blanks made
network protocols and allows
system, install even several
in MS Excel(with the XLS
to backup, clone or split
systems. Reconfigure
extension). The system
any partitions of your hdd,
partitions, repartition hard
processes reporting forms
even rare and unknown by the
disk on the fly, and improve
receiving on-line, by
program. The program can
storage performance. Use
e-mail, uploading as an
place backup images on both
bootable recovery CD to
Excel file. Report
local or network drives,
access unbootable system
analizis: "e-Zvit"
removable media or CD.
with all the information.
project allows to create the
database of reports,common
for a few organizations,
departments of a company
etc.It uses a system of the
global variables for
analizing of the received
reports. There are some
predefined global variables
in the system. Another ones
are the result of SQL
queries to the database. You
can gather and sum the data
from a number of the
reporting forms of the same
type, in the one resulting
report. It can be usual
excel file where the
resulting data defined as
global variables. Therefore,
the structure of your
reporting form(Excel file)
is of no importance.
Analisis of reports sent by
e-mail can be made by means
of system demon Cron (or
another sheduler making
system tasks). Using these
program capabilities you can
check the mailbox, process
sent reports, make mailbox
log, clear the mailbox, make
lists of debtors etc. with
the certain periodicity. You
also can connect to the
mssql,interbase, informix,
odbc, mysql, oracle, peardb,

Date: Jan, 20 2005

Date: Jan, 20 2005

Date: Jan, 19 2005

Date: Jan, 19 2005
SmartWhois is a network
AVI to MPEG Converter -
DomainInspect is a
SlickRun is a free floating
information utility that
Convert AVI, MPEG, ASF and
feature-rich domain name
command line utility for
allows you to find out all
WMV files to MPEG-1or MPEG-2
checker software, enabling
Windows. SlickRun gives you
available information about
with VCD, Super VCD or DVD
you to quickly and
almost instant access to any
an IP address, host name, or
extensions. The free demo
conveniently find desired
program or website. SlickRun
domain. Unlike standard
version supports only AVI
domain names to register.
allows you to create command
Whois utilities, SmartWhois
input and MPEG-1 output but
The built-in database
aliases (known as
can find the information
has no time limit. ASF
embraces more than 100
MagicWords), so C:Program
about a computer located in
and WMV Windows Media, AVI
popular gTLDs and ccTLDs.
any part of the world,
and MPEG files to Standard
You may choose to manually
Expressmsimn.exe becomes
querying the right database
MPEG-1 AVI and MPEG file
input domain names, import
MAIL. Enter a web URL into
and delivering all the
to MPEG-1 with VCD
domain name list in a file,
SlickRun and it will launch
related records within
extensions AVI and MPEG
or have domain names based
your browser and navigate to
seconds. SmartWhois is
file to Standard MPEG-2 AVI
on keywords automatically
the specified address. Run
capable of caching query
and MPEG file to MPEG-2
generated. DomainInspect
multiple programs in a few
results, which reduces the
Super Video CD
simultaneously checks
keystrokes, jot a note, look
time needed to query an
extensions AVI and MPEG
availability and link
up a definition... SlickRun
file to MPEG-2 wit
popularity of more than one
is the most natural way to
domain names at a time, and
interact with your computer.
the result can be saved,
printed, or exported into
other formats like Excel,
HTML, etc. If you are
looking for an ideal domain
name to register,
DomainInspect is the right
utility you'll need.

Date: Jan, 19 2005

Date: Jan, 17 2005

Date: Jan, 09 2005

Date: Jan, 04 2005
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