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Top Browser

Hits: 173

Control Kids

Hits: 621

LaunchIt NOW! Plus

Hits: 181
Top Browser is a web browser
ActiveX Automation HMI
Control Kids filters all
LaunchIt NOW! Plus allows
that allows the user to use
Instrument Input Components
objectable contents on the
you to: - have a
minimal system resources
including different kinds of
website. Kill unsolicited
desktop-like window with
whilst opening as many
3D buttons, switches, knobs,
pop ups windows. Record all
full-size icons and labels
windows as they want. It is
sliders, switchsliders,
visited web sites. Kill
always at hand, just a
free for commecial, and
switchknobs and others can
banner ads to speed up your
hotkey away. - organize in
non-commercial use.
be widely applied in many
internet connection. Monitor
multiple user-defined tabs
Features: Popup killer,
industry HMI applications
usage of your computer by
all your frequently used
Maximize Catcher, Script
and Simulation environments.
logging keystrokes and 100 %
tools and applications, all
Error Suppression, Multiple
compatible Internet explorer
kinds of files, folders and
windows, Save & Load URL
without configuration. Block
favorite URLs for easy
Setup Files.
any kind of unsolicited web
launching. Furthermore, - it
can be fully configurable
and customizable on a
per-user basis. - supports
Add-Ons, small and very
useful tools designed to
extend the product's
functionality. - supports
full Windows Shell
integration for better user
experience. - is 100%
compatible with all 32-bit
Windows versions.

Date: May, 05 2003

Date: Apr, 25 2003

Date: Apr, 21 2003

Date: Apr, 07 2003
LaunchIt NOW! allows you to
Puzzle Ring is yet another
This software, designed for
Web Cal Plus is an HTML
have a small, desktop-like
game based on falling bricks
Microsoft Windows, will
Calendar Generation system.
window with full-size icons
concept. The aim is to build
allow you to print ASCII
Simply enter your events and
to launch your favorite
as much horizontal rings of
text files using any printer
Web Cal Plus will generate
programs, files, folders,
falling blocks as you can.
with a Windows driver. The
the HTML code. Attractive
documents or URLs. It runs
Every complete ring you made
file can be generated from a
multi-color calendars
in the system tray and is
disappears making free space
DOS/WINDOWS application or a
including 12-month year
always just one click away.
for the next blocks. In the
UNIX/LINUX application, if
calendars, single month and
Also, it can be called via a
advanced and full game modes
it resides on a file system
daily calendars. Includes
user-defined hotkey.
you have some lying blocks
that is accessible from the
recurring events, event
LaunchIt NOW! is fully
already at the beginning of
Windows box (NFS,
cloning, holidays, filters,
configurable and
the game and you have to
SCO-VisionFS, Samba and
RTF format for beautiful
customizable on a per-user
make them disappear.
calendar messages.
basis and it offers full
Windows Shell integration.

Date: Apr, 07 2003

Date: Apr, 04 2003

Date: Apr, 02 2003

Date: Mar, 17 2003
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