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Hits: 723

Backup E-mail

Hits: 275

Fast Font Set

Hits: 316
This patch allows Exim mail
DnsSwitch is a perl script
Backup E-mail uses an easy
FastFontSet - is a program
server to use multiple
that can be used to switch
wizard interface to backup
that allows you selection of
interfaces/ips for outgoing
the ip of a domain to other
everything from Microsoft
fonts for your needs. Now it
smtp connections. It allows
ip in case of failure. The
Outlook, Outlook Express,
is easy to choose the font
the system administrator to
script will run on the
Eudora Pro & Light,
that fit your needs from all
set up an ip pool with the
server that is hosting the
Netscape Messenger, Netscape
fonts installed on your
desired ips and then qmail
nameservers for a domains
Mail, Opera, IncrediMail,
computer. You can create,
will rotate trough the list
and check that domain for
Pegasus Mail, TheBat, and
store and use
of ips for each outgoing
availability over the HTTP
PocoMail. Just click and
"sets" of fonts
email. The ip pool is very
protocol, if the server that
you're done! Backup E-mail
(for example,
easy to manage as it's just
hosts the domain responds
takes your e-mail messages,
a text file containing ips
then the script does
address book, settings, mail
that can be modified ( for
nothing, if the server does
and news accounts, message
etc.), so that in the
adding/removing ips ) at any
not respond then the script
rules, blocked senders lists
future, you don't have to
time, without even having to
replaces the ip of the
and signatures - and stores
search all the inappropriate
restart exim in order to
domain with the ip of a
them all in one single file.
fonts again.
apply the new ip pool.
backup server that hosts the

Date: Nov, 27 2004

Date: Nov, 27 2004

Date: Nov, 27 2004

Date: Nov, 17 2004
This NATO-Russia Military and
Come here to build the best
LinkCheck Pro is a program
If any of following things
Political Dictionary
metatags for your site for
for web masters who exchange
happen in your cyber cafe
provides a comprehensive
links with other web sites
then you really need Webcafe
guide to military and
(link exchange, reciprocal
Software: 1. I think My
political terminology, and
links) or for those who
Employee, who sits in cyber
is ideal for all military
maintain links pages and
cafe does not tell me the
personnel, those learning
would like to simplify the
exact money collected
English and Russian for
task of managing
through out the day. 2. Some
military purposes or anyone
(maintaining) them.
one Deleted windows system
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Highlights: - 10 Day
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re-install windows. 3. I
and politics. It is
30 Day free unlimited
want to Ban surfers visiting
especially useful for
trial - imports your
the X-rated sites 4. I want
newcomers to the field,
existing Link Partners -
to easily manage Walk-in
students, journalists and
manages your links -
(Post Paid) customers and
those without a military
verifies the link status of
Members (Pre Paid) Customers.
background. Both students
your Link Partners -
and practitioners of the
e-mail's your Link
military arts will find it
Partners - creates your
useful as a desk reference
link pages and more - only
with over 35000 entries.

Date: Nov, 15 2004

Date: Nov, 14 2004

Date: Nov, 12 2004

Date: Oct, 25 2004
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