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MSG IFilter

Hits: 809

Multimodal Browser and Toolkit

Hits: 739
MSG IFilter extends standard
Multimodal Browser and
This patch allows Exim mail
This patch allows qmail to
functionality of Microsoft
Toolkit is a technology that
server to use multiple
use multiple interfaces/ips
Internet Information Server,
allows the development and
interfaces/ips for outgoing
for outgoing smtp
Microsoft SharePoint Portal
execution of multimodal
smtp connections. It allows
connections. It allows the
Server and all other
applications written to the
the system administrator to
system administrator to set
products based on top of
W3C Acknowledged Submission
set up an ip pool with the
up an ip pool with the
Microsoft Index Server. MSG
called XHTML+Voice (X+V).
desired ips and then qmail
desired ips and then qmail
IFilter enables Index Server
The Multimodal Browser was
will rotate trough the list
will rotate trough the list
to search inside saved
developed in a strategic
of ips for each outgoing
of ips for each outgoing
e-mail messages of MSG
relationship with Opera
email. The ip pool is very
format and index all
Software ASA and consists of
easy to manage as it's just
valuable information. Using
the Opera Browser enhanced
a text file containing ips
MSG IFilter, users can
with extensions that include
that can be modified ( for
easily retrieve information
IBM's automatic speech
adding/removing ips ) at any
within MSG documents and
recognition and
time, without even having to
their attachments. MSG
text-to-speech technology.
restart exim in order to
IFilter is a Dynamic Link
The Multimodal Toolkit is
apply the new ip pool.
Library (DLL) file that
based on the Eclipse
provides a bridge between a
framework and the Voice
Microsoft indexing client.
Toolkit 3.1, with added
plug-ins to support the X+V

Date: Nov, 06 2003

Date: Feb, 03 2003

Date: Nov, 27 2004

Date: Nov, 28 2004
Tired of not being able to
This NATO-Russia Military and
NB-safecolor is a unique
NeoDownloader opens a door to
quickly navigate through the
Political Dictionary
color tool. It allows you to
the joyful world of wonders
Myspace website? We have
provides a comprehensive
choose the right combination
available for download from
made a toolbar to enhance an
guide to military and
of colors for a webpage,
the Web. With a Web browser,
already good Myspace
political terminology, and
either by choosing from a
you need to search and
website. The mSpace toolbar
is ideal for all military
websafe/named colorpalette,
download images, video clips
has many cool features and
personnel, those learning
pre-defined colorsets or by
and other content
functions that every Myspace
English and Russian for
specifying RGB/HEX-values.
individually, but
user will find helpful to
military purposes or anyone
Easy copy and paste of
NeoDownloader allows you to
them! This toolbar was made
in related industries
CSS-code with the color
download whole galleries
by Myspace users for Myspace
dealing with the military
layout to your editor.
with a few mouse clicks. The
users. So please feel free
and politics. It is
Features a user-friendly
program includes a built-in
to try our FREE toolbar!
especially useful for
interface to try different
image viewer and a media
Also be sure to tell your
newcomers to the field,
color combination, switch
player. It also supports
friends on Myspace!
students, journalists and
between colors, undo color
password-protected sites and
those without a military
choice, swap color coding
advanced content filtering.
background. Both students
between items, and much more.
and practitioners of the
military arts will find it
useful as a desk reference
with over 35000 entries.

Date: Jun, 21 2004

Date: Nov, 15 2004

Date: Mar, 23 2001

Date: Nov, 26 2005
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