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dfg BackUp XP

Hits: 242

dfg ShutDown XP

Hits: 1141
This is a valuable 95 page
The best, fastes and easy to
This program is a
Instantly fixes the following
reference source that
use award winning backup and
professional PC shut down,
explains and provides
restore solution for all
time sync, disk cleaning and
comprehensive, working
backup medias -
PC protection utility. dfg
e book:// that your
examples of code for all of
ShutDown gives you an easy
ebooks may give you after
the objects, collections,
supports unlimited backup
and thorough time controlled
installing Windows XP
elements, methods, and
profiles. It can be
and automatic way to
service pack 2. How it
properties belonging to WSH
configured to start the
shutdown, restart or log off
works Just download the
version 2.0.
backup automatically
your system Optionally it
program, double click to
(powerful scheduler using
will run as a NTservice.
start :) and... Push the
command line
Add. options: Countdown
button. I mean push the one
options/switches) , ZIP
Counter (visual and
of the Only two buttons in
compatible archiving,
acoustic), built in alarm
the program. (Look at the
clock function (alarm
picture on the website).
sound), PC protection,action
That's it! try your ebooks
FTP&eMail backup,
logging,atomic time PC
again! They should work. To
restore your system to its
filters, archive encryption,
previous state just press
scheduler, statistics, etc.

Date: Jan, 22 2002

Date: Feb, 21 2005

Date: Feb, 23 2005

Date: Sep, 11 2006
Digital photo recovery
DIPAR Project can provide
Directory printer Print a
Come down here to MCdivision
software is helpful in
anyone with the capability
directory tree of an entire
we have a 15 fields Meta Tag
restoring recovering
of having their own server
disk or a single directory
generator + clock generators
retrieving accidentally
connected to the internet
Prints .DLL, .EXE version
/ free scripts / Templates
deleted damaged formatted
for free. Dynamic IP Address
information Prints .AVI,
and so on.
erased picture image photo
redirector (DIPAR) is no
.MP3, .MSI, and .WAV
audio video files even if
more than a simple interface
properties Prints to a
the media is corrupted and
between your computer (with
printer, text file, Excel
you can not access it or the
a dynamic IP) and the
file or HTML file Prints
memory card being pulled out
internet. DIPAR allow you to
cyclic redundancy checksum
while the camera is on.
make your dynamic IP Address
(CRC) Finds duplicate files
Digital Camera Files
available through another
Finds duplicate directories
retrieval software is easy
Multiple file rename
and Non-Destructive Data
Multiple file change date
recovery software utility
Multiple file change owner
and reliable solution to
Directory compare File
recover retrieve rescue
compare Displays file owner
repair restore undelete
Finds encrypted files and
unerase or unformat your
directories Finds protected
lost erased formatted
directories Reports total
deleted pictures images
file size - totaled by file
photos audio video files and
owners Shows directory size
folders from digital camera
without right clicking
storage media. Features:: *
Shows the largest
Easiest and quick software
directories on your computer
utility tool for restoration
of any type of digital files
folders including JPG JPEG
BMP or any other file type
stored in your digital
media. * Supports all type
of Digital Camera storage
media including Acer Agfa
Aiptek Apacer Argus Atech
DataPack DataTraveler Delkin

Date: Apr, 29 2006

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Nov, 26 2005

Date: Aug, 11 2004
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