
popular collection of scripts for all

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Hits: 216

Email Address Encoder

Hits: 954

Email Encoder

Hits: 1038


Hits: 708
EasyTMD takes away the
Prevents automated email
This form will allow you to
Escapade, or ESP for short,
complexity of using FServes
address harvesters from
encode your e-mail address
is a server-side scripting
on IRC to download movies
capturing your address from
through the use of Character
language that provides an
from The Movie Depot (TMD).
your web pages. Easy to use,
Entities, transforming your
interface to back-end
Enter the name of any movie,
outputs JavaScript that you
ascii email address into its
database contents.
or several movies at once.
can insert right into your
equivalent decimal entity.
Specifically designed to
EasyTMD connects to the
web page. PHP is not
Simply enter your e-mail
create dynamic information
proper IRC server, looks on
required. No programming
address in the first text
from this data, Escapade can
FServes on the TMD IRC
knowledge necessary. Encodes
box, click the encode
be used to generate any kind
channel, and searches the
email address, display text
button, and then highlight
of document - HTML, XML,
FServes, requesting and
(the link), and subject line.
and copy the resulting code
text, and more. Unlike many
downloading the movies you
produced in the second text
scripting languages
are looking for.
box. This encoded e-mail
currently available,
address can be read and
Escapade boasts a relaxed
translated back into its
and forgiving learning
original ascii text by
curve. Another key
almost any web browser
characteristic of ESP is its
without any further action
ability to not only supplant
on your part. Just replace
other scripts, but to
all instances of your e-mail
co-exist comfortably with
address on your pages with
them as well. Rather than
the code, and you won't have
the esoteric scripting of
to worry about spam lists.
Perl of PHP, ESP syntax more
closely resembles BASIC.
This makes ESP a comparative
pleasure for web developers.
Anyone with a solid
knowledge of HTML can be up
and running with Escapade in
a matter of hours. You just
need to add two lines to
httpd.conf, extract the
binaries to your cgi-bin and
you are up and running.

Date: Sep, 16 2006

Date: Feb, 05 2006

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Sep, 10 2001
Excel Server 2004(Standard
Stop Losing Your Hard Earned
Among most popular files we
Extreme Web Reports is the
Edition) is an integral
all download from various
most powerful web based
information platform built
web sites daily are
reporting tool available for
on Excel, MS SQL Server, and
Affiliate Link Masker is new
wallpapers, digital imagery,
dynamically generating MS
Windows OS. It uses Excel as
and simple and easy way to
photos, music and video
Access based reports via a
a tool to design templates,
protect your affiliate
clips. But how do we find
standard web browser.
produce reports and query
links.It is compatible with
multimedia content without
Extreme Web Reports
data either locally or
spending too much time on
includes an easy to use
remotely under customized
gle adsense etc.Makes sure
browsing, searching and
wizard which makes it very
authority policies. And it
you get credit for your
downloading? Use Extreme
easy to integrate web
could allow users to perform
Picture Finder, the ultimate
reporting into new and
scheduled tasks according to
referrals. Quickly create
multimedia content
existing web pages or
predefined workflows.
your masked affiliate link
searching, categorizing and
applications. The wizard
Additionally, it allows
in less than 5 minutes.No
multi-threaded downloading
scans the specified MS
authorized users to fill,
coding involved, Express
tool capable of automating
Access database and records
view and query Excel reports
Affiliate Link Masker
the entire process and
information such as report
concurrently within a LAN
automatically creates your
cutting media access times
names, parameters, sub
affiliate web page for
queries, etc. Nothing is
you.With Express Affiliate
written to the database
Link Masker you can
instantly protect and
encrypt your affiliate
link.Encrypt an unlimited
number of affiliate links.No
software to install, just
download, unzip and run.

Date: Oct, 25 2004

Date: May, 14 2006

Date: Dec, 20 2006

Date: Oct, 07 2004
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