With the help of WisePopup,
If you have a great deal of
Quixhibit is a Windows
Save an entire web page as an
five minutes from now, you
software installed and many
application that generates
image file in one click (it
can make your own popup
documents to maintain,
HTML image galleries for
scrolls around the page
windows! Yes, just like the
you're probably tired of
publication on the web or on
taking shots and stitches
one generated by an expert
trudging through the START
CD's. With an integrated
them together). Save
programmer or even better!
menu or using desktop
spell checker, Quixhibit is
screenshots in the most
You have the full control on
shortcuts. Maverick is
especially suited for image
popular formats (GIF, JPG,
what the position, the size
designed to give quick
galleries that require text
PNG, etc.) Stamp desired
and the style of the popup
access to programs and
for images and folders.
text (specified text, date,
window, you can also decide
documents. It also includes
Other integrated tools
URL, etc.) on screenshots
to launch the popup window
a sophisticated alarm clock,
include as an FTP client,
each time you make a
when the visitor ENTER or
a hex file viewer, an
file name re-sequencing,
screenshot of a visited web
LEAVE your page!
advanced font viewer, a file
setting file names to lower
page. The Send by E-mail
wiper (to irrevocably
case, and resetting exhibit
feature makes a screenshot
destroy files), a file
text to default font
of the web page with one
toucher (to change dates), a
attributes and comprehensive
click and mails it to others
file/disk profiler (to
context sensitive
via the Internet.
analyse disk usage), a
file/disk scanner (to
validate suspect data CDs),
a zip reader/writer, and a
zip repair tool.
Date: Apr, 21 2005 Date: Apr, 17 2005 Date: Sep, 28 2006 Date: Mar, 09 2006 |
Free automated link exchange
When developing Windows®
Remove is a powerful utility
A script that generates the
management service which
forms applications based
for uninstalling programs
basic layout of the form for
searches for link partners
upon Visual Basic (VB) 6.0
you no longer want on your
later editing and scripting
and automatically increases
or Visual Basic for
computer. You can easily get
the backlink count to your
Applications (VBA) 6.0, you
rid of unnecessary
websites daily. Visit
may often need to develop
applications, partially
telalinks.com to learn more
context-sensitive help for
uninstalled software, and
about this free service.
them to enable your users to
unwanted Windows components.
obtain help on the
You are able to uninstall
application's many graphical
programs that cannot be
user interface (GUI)
uninstalled through
elements. Context-sensitive
Add/Remove Programs.
help is the type of helped
addition to the standard
that appears when users
uninstall option, Remove
select (i.e., change the
allows you to remove,
focus to) a particular
modify, backup, and restore
screen element and then
your Add/Remove Programs
pressing the F1 key, which
list entries. Removing
involves the Help common
invalid entries is now
dialog displaying the help
easier than ever. The newest
topic associated with the
version of Remove highlights
selected element.
invalid program entries,
Context-sensitive help is
lists program version
used extensively by Windows
numbers, and displays
forms applications, whether
user-friendly application
for applications developed
names. It also lets you copy
by Microsoft or other
application names,
forms-based application
uninstaller locations, and
vendors. This article walks
version numbers to the
you through step-by-step on
Windows Clipboard.
how to create just such a
Remove is more powerful
help system using the
than other uninstallers and
current HTML Help technology.
Add/Remove Programs list
cleaners. Remove can
uninstall and remove more
software and invalid entries
because of its advanced
features, such as
uninstalling and deleting
hidden programs and entries.
Date: Jul, 10 2005 Date: May, 19 2005 Date: Nov, 22 2005 Date: Dec, 20 2002 |