Paessler Site Inspector is a
Remove is a powerful utility
eZee FrontDesk is a general
A script that generates the
web browser that combines
for uninstalling programs
purpose hotel and motel
basic layout of the form for
the two most frequently used
you no longer want on your
software which is can be
later editing and scripting
browser engines (Internet
computer. You can easily get
used as a hotel maintenance
Explorer and Mozilla/Gecko)
rid of unnecessary
software, hotel reservations
into one program. Its
applications, partially
software, hotel management
advanced analysis features
uninstalled software, and
software, hotel billing
make it the perfect
unwanted Windows components.
software, hotel property
companion for webmasters and
You are able to uninstall
management software
web developers. With
programs that cannot be
It is ideal solution
Paessler Site Inspector's
uninstalled through
for hotel having 10-100
Analyzing Browser, users can
Add/Remove Programs.
Main Features
switch between the two
addition to the standard
include. Hotel status from
browser engines with just
uninstall option, Remove
main screen with easy Check
one mouse click, for example
allows you to remove,
in Check Out
to compare the rendering of
modify, backup, and restore
Group Management/
a page in both browsers.
your Add/Remove Programs
Direct Billing/
list entries. Removing
City Ledger
Guest Snaps
invalid entries is now
with Web cam at Various
easier than ever. The newest
Stages of Stay Full network
version of Remove highlights
Multiple rate and
invalid program entries,
rate type support in single
lists program version
stay Comprehensive User
numbers, and displays
Management Quick check-in
user-friendly application
through identification card
names. It also lets you copy
Ability to change
application names,
room for a rented room on
uninstaller locations, and
any day of the Guest Stay
version numbers to the
Well designed restore
Windows Clipboard.
database operation for data
Remove is more powerful
recover at any
than other uninstallers and
Add/Remove Programs list
management with insert,
cleaners. Remove can
delete and restore feature
uninstall and remove more
Expense Management
software and invalid entries
because of its advanced
features, such as
uninstalling and deleting
hidden programs and entries.
Date: Apr, 10 2006 Date: Nov, 22 2005 Date: Mar, 05 2006 Date: Dec, 20 2002 |
ABC Amber PowerPoint
Among most popular files we
Idaho-Web-Counter is a small
Escapade, or ESP for short,
Converter is an advanced
all download from various
and simple way to add cool
is a server-side scripting
tool which converts your
web sites daily are
counters to your web site.
language that provides an
PowerPoint presentations to
wallpapers, digital imagery,
Just click on the counter
interface to back-end
any document format (PDF,
photos, music and video
style you want and the
database contents.
clips. But how do we find
program will copy the code
Specifically designed to
multimedia content without
you need to your clipboard.
create dynamic information
WS7, WRI, etc.) easily and
spending too much time on
Paste the code into your web
from this data, Escapade can
The software
browsing, searching and
page and you're done!
be used to generate any kind
supports a batch conversion,
downloading? Use Extreme
Idaho-Web-Counter allows you
of document - HTML, XML,
a command line and more than
Picture Finder, the ultimate
to count the number of times
text, and more. Unlike many
50 languages.
multimedia content
a page was viewed, or if you
scripting languages
note: Adobe Acrobat doesn't
searching, categorizing and
can count unique visits.
currently available,
need to be installed.
multi-threaded downloading
Escapade boasts a relaxed
tool capable of automating
and forgiving learning
the entire process and
curve. Another key
cutting media access times
characteristic of ESP is its
ability to not only supplant
other scripts, but to
co-exist comfortably with
them as well. Rather than
the esoteric scripting of
Perl of PHP, ESP syntax more
closely resembles BASIC.
This makes ESP a comparative
pleasure for web developers.
Anyone with a solid
knowledge of HTML can be up
and running with Escapade in
a matter of hours. You just
need to add two lines to
httpd.conf, extract the
binaries to your cgi-bin and
you are up and running.
Date: Dec, 18 2003 Date: Dec, 20 2006 Date: Jun, 19 2005 Date: Sep, 10 2001 |