
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



HTML Text Extractor

Hits: 818

MAPILab Toolbox

Hits: 814

Directory Report

Hits: 814
If you're frustrated that a
Have you ever wanted to
A set of 17 "must
Directory printer Print a
website has unselectable
remove some Windows
have" Microsoft Outlook
directory tree of an entire
text or if you need to view
components like Media
2000/XP add-ins for
disk or a single directory
some HTML that's been
Player, Internet Explorer,
high-performance and useful
Prints .DLL, .EXE version
encrypted then this
Outlook Express, MSN
functionality. It will help
information Prints .AVI,
application is a must. HTML
Explorer, Messenger... How
you to schedule message
.MP3, .MSI, and .WAV
Text Extractor is the
about not to install them
sending; access files from
properties Prints to a
simplest and easiest way to
with Windows ? nLite is a
your computer through email;
printer, text file, Excel
view and save the HTML and
GUI for permanent Windows
autofill message fields upon
file or HTML file Prints
Text from any
component removal by your
creation; plan the quantity
cyclic redundancy checksum
webpage. Increasingly web
choice. After removal there
of messages to be sent
(CRC) Finds duplicate files
designers are protecting
is an option to make
within a specified
Finds duplicate directories
their web pages by disabling
bootable image ready for
time-frame; get reminders
Multiple file rename
the right click menu and
burning on cd or testing in
from Outlook via sms; manage
Multiple file change date
using javascript to hide
virtual machines. So that
your mailing lists, contacts
Multiple file change owner
their text and HTML code.
means that with nLite you
and conversation; redirect
Directory compare File
HTML Text Extractor cuts
will be able to have Windows
your messages and more.
compare Displays file owner
through the protection.
installation cd which on
Finds encrypted files and
installation doesn't
directories Finds protected
install, or even contain on
directories Reports total
cd, unwanted components.
file size - totaled by file
owners Shows directory size
without right clicking
Shows the largest
directories on your computer

Date: Apr, 14 2005

Date: Dec, 15 2004

Date: Apr, 13 2006

Date: Nov, 26 2005
Come here to build the best
MSG IFilter extends standard
Are you furustrated at
SEO Report is an all-in-one
metatags for your site for
functionality of Microsoft
Internet Explorer's
solution for a better
Internet Information Server,
insistance on using Notepad
insight on the SEO world. It
Microsoft SharePoint Portal
when you click View Source?
gives you comprehensive SEO
Server and all other
This little application
reports, including
products based on top of
let's you use any text
monitoring your ranking in
Microsoft Index Server. MSG
editor instead of Notepad.
search engines, improving
IFilter enables Index Server
All you need to do it choose
your link popularity, do a
to search inside saved
the program and you're set.
better market research in
e-mail messages of MSG
Version 1 is now
less time, suggest the right
format and index all
available, with the
popular keywords to use,
valuable information. Using
following features: -
bring targeted visitors and
MSG IFilter, users can
Easily change the view
increase sales, monitor your
easily retrieve information
source editor for Internet
competitors, let you stay
within MSG documents and
Explorer - Totally 100%
informed (via rss) about SEO
their attachments. MSG
Free! - No popup adverts
news & articles and
IFilter is a Dynamic Link
or spyware, it really is
Library (DLL) file that
free - Simple to use
provides a bridge between a
Microsoft indexing client.

Date: Nov, 14 2004

Date: Nov, 06 2003

Date: Apr, 14 2005

Date: Dec, 20 2004
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