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Email Encoder

Hits: 896

R-Excel Recovery

Hits: 893

XP Look

Hits: 889

Church Logo Maker

Hits: 878
This form will allow you to
R-Excel is a tool designed to
This is a graphical interface
This church logo creation
encode your e-mail address
recover corrupted Microsoft
to update old programs, give
tool enables you to create
through the use of Character
Excel Sheets. New
them the look of Windows XP
professional church logo
Entities, transforming your
improvements of file
with rounded and shaded
within 5 minutes using our
ascii email address into its
reconstruction technology
widgets,just by adding a xml
online church logo maker
equivalent decimal entity.
IntelligentRebuild allow the
file to the
which requires no logo
Simply enter your e-mail
users to reconstruct damaged
executable. Works on
design software to download.
address in the first text
*.xls files and to restore
Windows XP only, the look is
box, click the encode
lost Excel sheets quickly
unchanged on older versions
button, and then highlight
and easily. R-Excel safely
of Windows.
and copy the resulting code
performs any operation,
produced in the second text
including Microsoft Excel
box. This encoded e-mail
sheet recovery and never
address can be read and
deletes from disk, writes
translated back into its
to, or modifies in any way,
original ascii text by
the original Excel files.
almost any web browser
without any further action
on your part. Just replace
all instances of your e-mail
address on your pages with
the code, and you won't have
to worry about spam lists.

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Mar, 11 2005

Date: Jan, 04 2006

Date: Jun, 28 2005
microBrowser is a small web
7tools Partition Imager 2005
RoboPDF gives anyone four
View site's meta information,
browser powered by the users
affords everything you may
easy ways to instantly
you can also copy and paste
default browser and the
need to backup your data. It
create secure, compact PDF
the tags onto your website.
Google search engine. Less
supports all commercial
files from any document in
than 200 pixel in width and
operating systems and is
just one click! RoboPDF
100 pixels in height. It
suitable for both everyday
Server gives any size
provides the user with the
and rare needs. It provides
organization the power to
ability too type in a search
remote management over LAN
distribute high-quality PDF
that launches thier browser
through TCP/IP or IPX
creation software to every
and returns the results.
network protocols and allows
employee via a single, easy
Provides quick rollever
to backup, clone or split
install. RoboPDF provides
transparency so that users
any partitions of your hdd,
PDF creation capabilities
can read through
even rare and unknown by the
from anywhere on a
microBrowser without having
program. The program can
computer... all at a
to move it. Works with any
place backup images on both
fraction of the cost of
security features already in
local or network drives,
other solutions on the
place with the current
removable media or CD.
browser (ie pop-up
blockers). Very useful for
active web surfers.

Date: Apr, 29 2005

Date: Jan, 20 2005

Date: Jul, 13 2003

Date: Jul, 03 2005
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