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View Folder Size Pro

Hits: 782

Advanced RSS2Web Professional

Hits: 776

IVC Accents

Hits: 775
Have you ever asked yourself:
Recover deleted messages and
Advanced RSS2Web helps you
IVC Accents is a macro for
What size does occupy this
mail from damaged folders
to: download newsfeeds in
Microsoft Office. It enables
folder? Probably you tried
and dbx files in Outlook
RSS and XML format, reformat
you to type accented
to understand where free
Express. Searching across
them according to
characters, in French and/or
disk space is or prepared
the several folders. A
user-defined HTML templates,
Spanish, by using easy to
specified size folder for
recovered message could be
upload results to website
remember keystrokes. If you
CD/DVD recording. Using
saved to email folder or
via shared folder or ftp,
type in French or Spanish,
ViewFolderSize Pro you will
text eml file. The program
work with free newsfeeds and
this is a must have item.
always know all your folders
will scan the specified
articles available for
total size. Unbeatable
folders and try to find and
download and redistribution.
combination of high speed
restore damaged messages. If
performance, real-time size
the option for restoring the
information updating and
folder structure is enabled,
flexible customization
new folders will be created
options make View Folder
and recovered messages will
Size Pro stand out of other
be saved to these folders.
competing software.

Date: Aug, 30 2005

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Dec, 15 2006

Date: Oct, 19 2004
Bring Vincent van Gogh art to
If you ever use the 'Start'
Count Your Time collects and
FolderScavenger makes it easy
your desktop! Vincent van
menu then you will find that
analyzes PC usage statistics
to print folder listings, or
Gogh is the greatest painter
this free Windows utility is
during the specified time
copy folder listings to the
of the Post-Impressionism
a much better way to open
period. All statistics is
clipboard and paste them
era. His paintings are among
the item that you are
shown to a user in a
into Word, Excel, or any
the most expensive paintings
looking for. SmartStartMenu
convenient and
Windows application. It's
in the world. The full
helps you to turn the task
understandable form.
easy to filter listings by
version of this pack
of running any program and
file name, and to capture
includes 95 high-quality
opening any documnent,
the contents of subfolders.
images for your desktop. A
folder, or website into a
You can select the format
free wallpaper utility,
two or three key-stroke
for paths, file date and
MoodBook, will draw pictures
effort. SmartStartMenu uses
time stamps, and many other
from this pack on your
what you type to generate
aspects of the folder
desktop, creating a nice
listings. FolderScavenger
look and feel of an art
alphabetized lists of
Pro lets you specify if you
gallery full of great works
shortcut items from your
want to capture the
of art...
'Start' menu and any other
information as simple text,
folders you have configured
comma-separated records, or
to be scanned. Since
tab-delimited data. By
SmartStartMenu is based on
creating style templates,
shortcuts (your 'Start' menu
you can turn folder lists
is just a collection of
into XML, HTML, or a number
shortcuts) there is no
of custom text formats. You
"alias" database
can even convert directory
to maintain or complicated
listings into MySQL
configuration interface to
files. By saving your
learn. You can change the
frequently used
keystrokes used to access an
configurations, you can
item by modifying the
retrieve and reuse them.
shortcut directly.
There is a "No
SmartStartMenu helps you to
Questions Asked" mode
clean up your desktop and
that lets you run
'Quicklaunch' toolbar by
FolderScavenger using the
reducing your dependencies
default configuration that
on them. SmartStartMenu
you have
helps you to reduce clutter
saved. FolderScavenger is
on your taskbar by
fully integrated into the
elimintating the need for
Windows Explorer shell, and
the 'Address' toolbar.
becomes part of the context
(right-click) menu. You can
use FolderScavenger to run
the program of your choice
on all files in a
folder. Music collectors
will appreciate being able
to grab song titles, album
names, and artist
information from MP3 music
files. Photo collectors will
enjoy being able to capture
names from their digital
cameras and digital image
collections, and quickly
catalog their picture albums.

Date: Dec, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 06 2006

Date: May, 14 2006

Date: Apr, 18 2005
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