RegCool is a full-featured
Have you ever wanted to
The software Live Site is
Screensaver Maker lets you
Registry editor and manager.
print, save, or otherwise
devoted to arranging of a
create screensaver based on
In addition to all the
use only a part of a web
Support Service in your
Shockwave Flash (no limit to
standard features, RegCool
page, without wanting the
Website. You will be able to
your imagination!), Image
adds a variety of powerful
navigation interface,
enliven your site in the
Slide Show (display your
features that allow you to
banners, and other stuff?
direct meaning of this word.
favorite photos) and Movie
work faster and more
Fragmento allows you to
Your customer will be able
(Quick Time, Mpeg, AVI...).
efficient with registry
visually select a part of a
to see the staff of your
Several options are
related tasks. It allows you
web page, and transform it
company and talk to them.
available: More Files
to cut, copy, paste, move,
into a new, separate page,
You will be able to dissolve
Support; MIDI, MP3, WAV, WMA
delete, and rename keys and
automatically launched in a
the last border in the
Background music support;
values. It offers an
new browser window so you
Internet business - absence
Transition Effect support;
explorer style; interface
can use it in any way you
of direct contact with the
Masking Effect support ;
remote Registry editing;
like. It is easy-to-use and
customer. New ActiveX
Customizable screen saver
.reg and hive (Regedit and
integrates into your browser
Version 2.0!
Dialog box, sell your screen
RegEdt32 compatible) file
(IE 6.0 or higher).
saver option, and more...
editing; import, export,
backup, and restore
functionality; and flexible
property pages for setting
keys and values.
Date: Jun, 14 2005 Date: Feb, 15 2006 Date: Oct, 19 2005 Date: May, 08 2005 |
This logo creation tool
Delete duplicate e-mail
If you have ever wondered
R-Excel is a tool designed to
enables you to create
messages and posts in
where you website ranked in
recover corrupted Microsoft
professional logo within 5
Microsoft Outlook folders,
the top four search engines
Excel Sheets. New
minutes using our online
Microsoft Exchange Server
for a specified keyword this
improvements of file
logo maker which requires no
folders and mailboxes;
tool is just what you have
reconstruction technology
logo design software to
supports searching across
been looking for all of this
IntelligentRebuild allow the
folders. A duplicate found
time. With this free tool
users to reconstruct damaged
can be marked, copied or
you can see your websites
*.xls files and to restore
moved to any folder. Works
ranking is MSN Search,
lost Excel sheets quickly
as an add-in for Microsoft
Google, Yahoo!, AlltheWeb,
and easily. R-Excel safely
Outlook 2000, 2002/XP and
HotBot, and AltaVisa for any
performs any operation,
2003. Free trial.
keyword that you would like
including Microsoft Excel
all at once. You can see
sheet recovery and never
what the ranking of your
deletes from disk, writes
site within seconds.
to, or modifies in any way,
the original Excel files.
Date: Jun, 28 2005 Date: Mar, 27 2006 Date: Oct, 12 2006 Date: Mar, 11 2005 |