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Service Desktop Pro

Hits: 800


Hits: 798

Formal Checkers

Hits: 792


Hits: 789
Service Desktop Pro is an
The EasyLogin toolbar button
FoCs takes properties written
This small simple script uses
integrated Business and
for Internet Explorer allows
in the Sugar specification
gnuplot and screen to
Personal Information
you to log into websites
language and automatically
visualize one data-value
Management Software.
using a single mouse click.
translates them into
output in one screen window
Basically aimed at IT
To Use EasyLogin go to the
Checkers, or monitors, which
to your current terminal.
Service Providers,
webpage where you would like
in turn are integrated into
Might be helpful if you just
Freelancers, Consultants,
to log in and type your
the chip simulation
want to see the development
Web Developers and Software
username and password. Do
environment. These Checkers
of one value.
Developers, this tool can be
not click the login button,
monitor the simulation
extremely useful for all
instead click the EasyLogin
results on a cycle-by-cycle
types of business managers
toolbar button and you will
basis for violation of the
for managing their
be asked where you will be
properties. Each Checker
day-to-day business
asked to save your Login
implements a state machine
activities. It's tightly
Link to your browser's
that enters and asserts an
integrated and flexible
favorites. To log in simply
error state if the
modules allow you to handle
click the link that
respective property fails to
most aspects of managing
EasyLogin created for you.
hold in a simulation run.
your business flow.
This alphaWorks version is
Simplicity and ease of use
the first FoCs version that
are the key benefits of
supports Sugar 2 (EDL
Service Desktop Pro. Be it a
small time freelancer or a
medium size company, this
software can be used by
anybody. Service Desktop
Pro handles over 20 key
business requirements
including Contact
Management, Leads
Management, Project
Management, Billing
Management, Document
Management, Expense
Management and Customer
Service Management. The idea
behind the software is to
allow its users to record
key business information
relating to the business
lifecycle of project
procurement to delivery and
customer service.

Date: Oct, 20 2006

Date: Apr, 14 2005

Date: Jan, 15 2003

Date: Apr, 17 2006
Aardvark Map is a free tool
The Web browser is probably
At times it can be impossible
Simple tool provides code to
that helps you to plot
the most frequently used
to keep supervision of
cloak HTML email addresses
either information on to a
software today, and many
internet activity which has
to prevent harvesting by
Google Map so you can create
tasks are highly
been created throughout the
spam spiders.
a customised map for your
repetitious. Internet Macros
day especially when lots of
website. The process is
relieves the repetition of
individuals these days know
very simple and requires no
checking on the same sites
how to clear their
technical knowledge. You
every day, remembering
suspicious history. With
can have a custom map
passwords and filling out
I-Spy you can sit back and
created in minutes.
web forms. Web professional
let the application log
can use the software for
every Internet explorer and
functional testing and
Microsoft explorer action
regression web testing of
without the worry that the
web applications. It can be
user will clear the system
used to automate web data
history. I-Spy can be run as
extraction, for example
a hidden or visible process
online stock quotes or web
and also has the ability to
store prices.
run in the Windows system
tray without any
unauthorized user accessing
it if you decide to password
protect it upon a fresh
display. I-Spy does not
only log http requests but
https, ftp and file requests
aswell. But wait, there is
more. You can also log DNS
errors which is excellent if
you are a website
administrator or personal
web user and at the end of
each usage a log file is
created within the
application directory giving
exact details of internet
requests which occured that
day. An additional
advantage of I-Spy is that
the source is freely
available upon purchasing.

Date: Nov, 05 2006

Date: Mar, 31 2005

Date: Feb, 19 2005

Date: Feb, 03 2005
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