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a bunch of additional
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work. It also includes a
times $100 per click to get
approachable even for home
visual puzzle builder for
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users. Hard Disk Manager
creating your own games with
YOU could be using those
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1000% more money per click!
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Date: Mar, 28 2005

Date: May, 10 2005

Date: Jan, 20 2005

Date: Feb, 01 2005
New Smart Partition™
an sql file that uses as data
Accessor provides a quick
"e-Zvit" reporting
technology used in Paragon
the official names of
access to main Windows
server is an OpenSource
Partition Manager enables to
countries in english as
functions, folders and
system for sending in,
create, copy, resize, move
given in ISO 3166-1, the ISO
documents. - review of the
saving and analizing of
hard drive partitions
2-alpha code provided by the
File System from icon on the
reporting forms. Any tall
without data loss. You can
International Organization
system tray; - creation
structure of reporting
format disk, divide it into
for Standardization, the ISO
of the list of the most
organizations can use
parts, install and manage
3-alpha code provided by the
frequently used and favorite
"e-Zvit" system
several separate OSes (e.g.
United Nations Statistics
folders and use it; -
for working with blanks made
Windows & Linux)
Division and the 3-alpha
access to the Control panel
in MS Excel(with the XLS
with help of build-in
code provided by The
and it's elements; -
extension). The system
Bootmanager. Improve your
National Olympic Committees.
termination of any running
processes reporting forms
system performance using
you also have the flags for
programs from popup menu in
receiving on-line, by
build-in defragmenter with
each country in the flags
one click; - process
e-mail, uploading as an
unique IDD™ technology. Its
folder - the pictures of the
administration allows to
Excel file. Report
wizards will help you easily
flags are named using the
view available windows,
analizis: "e-Zvit"
merge/undelete hard disk
ISO 2-alpha code of the
description of process; -
project allows to create the
country they represent so
CD-ROM control.
database of reports,common
you should have no problems
for a few organizations,
in determining which flag
departments of a company
goes to which country
etc.It uses a system of the
this list is as of january
global variables for
2006 so it might not be the
analizing of the received
most up to date list you
reports. There are some
could find. also, keep
predefined global variables
in mind that while all the
in the system. Another ones
countries have numeric id
are the result of SQL
code and ISO 2-alpha code
queries to the database. You
but not all the countries
can gather and sum the data
have ISO 3-alpha and NOC
from a number of the
3-alpha codes
reporting forms of the same
type, in the one resulting
report. It can be usual
excel file where the
resulting data defined as
global variables. Therefore,
the structure of your
reporting form(Excel file)
is of no importance.
Analisis of reports sent by
e-mail can be made by means
of system demon Cron (or
another sheduler making
system tasks). Using these
program capabilities you can
check the mailbox, process
sent reports, make mailbox
log, clear the mailbox, make
lists of debtors etc. with
the certain periodicity. You
also can connect to the
mssql,interbase, informix,
odbc, mysql, oracle, peardb,

Date: Jan, 20 2005

Date: Aug, 04 2006

Date: May, 06 2005

Date: Jan, 19 2005
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