Internet Spy
Hard Disk Manager 6.0 is
This tool extracts all the Ang Biblia Ebook
Several ways of spying
easy, complete and reliable
links from a specific page.
compiled pages of John and
on your friends or enemies.
toolset for hard disks: hard
You can set it to extract
James displayed in Filipino
You love your friend so much
disk management, maintenance
specific links such as
or Tagalog language.
that you don't want him/her
and disposal, boot
Javascript and Domains only.
to suffer so you're spying
management, data and system
on him/her. Everything is
security, simple recovery. A
for fun and entertainment
convenient and clear
interface, smart wizards and
a bunch of additional
utilities make any task
regarding hard disk easily
approachable even for home
users. Hard Disk Manager
affords everything you may
need for managing hard disks
(both everyday and rare
Date: Mar, 28 2005 Date: Jan, 20 2005 Date: Jul, 04 2005 Date: Mar, 31 2005 |
New Smart Partition™
Have you ever wanted to
an sql file that uses as data
Directory printer Print a
technology used in Paragon
remove some Windows
the official names of
directory tree of an entire
Partition Manager enables to
components like Media
countries in english as
disk or a single directory
create, copy, resize, move
Player, Internet Explorer,
given in ISO 3166-1, the ISO
Prints .DLL, .EXE version
hard drive partitions
Outlook Express, MSN
2-alpha code provided by the
information Prints .AVI,
without data loss. You can
Explorer, Messenger... How
International Organization
.MP3, .MSI, and .WAV
format disk, divide it into
about not to install them
for Standardization, the ISO
properties Prints to a
parts, install and manage
with Windows ? nLite is a
3-alpha code provided by the
printer, text file, Excel
several separate OSes (e.g.
GUI for permanent Windows
United Nations Statistics
file or HTML file Prints
Windows & Linux)
component removal by your
Division and the 3-alpha
cyclic redundancy checksum
with help of build-in
choice. After removal there
code provided by The
(CRC) Finds duplicate files
Bootmanager. Improve your
is an option to make
National Olympic Committees.
Finds duplicate directories
system performance using
bootable image ready for
you also have the flags for
Multiple file rename
build-in defragmenter with
burning on cd or testing in
each country in the flags
Multiple file change date
unique IDD™ technology. Its
virtual machines. So that
folder - the pictures of the
Multiple file change owner
wizards will help you easily
means that with nLite you
flags are named using the
Directory compare File
merge/undelete hard disk
will be able to have Windows
ISO 2-alpha code of the
compare Displays file owner
installation cd which on
country they represent so
Finds encrypted files and
installation doesn't
you should have no problems
directories Finds protected
install, or even contain on
in determining which flag
directories Reports total
cd, unwanted components.
goes to which country
file size - totaled by file
this list is as of january
owners Shows directory size
2006 so it might not be the
without right clicking
most up to date list you
Shows the largest
could find.
also, keep
directories on your computer
in mind that while all the
countries have numeric id
code and ISO 2-alpha code
but not all the countries
have ISO 3-alpha and NOC
3-alpha codes
Date: Jan, 20 2005 Date: Dec, 15 2004 Date: Aug, 04 2006 Date: Nov, 26 2005 |