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robots.txt Tools And Tutorial

Hits: 632


Hits: 631

AllNetic Working Time Tracker

Hits: 631

Host Evaluator

Hits: 631
Tools to automatically creat
A Program launcher, text
Tracks how much time you
Finally there is a way that
and validate robot.txt file
inserter, mega search engine
spend on different projects
you can analyze web hosts
and a tool to create a
& desktop toolbar – all
and tasks. Thanks to precise
before you pull out your
.htaccess file to ban bad
in one! Open any files,
time tracking and accounting
credit card and make the
robots. Also includes a
programs or websites with
you can quickly and
move. With the Host
general robots.txt tutorial.
hotkeys. Instantly perform
precisely calculate time
Evaluator software you can
web searches or use keyboard
spent on different tasks.
add the web hosting plans
shortcuts to perform common
You can bill your clients on
you want to compare, and
tasks in Windows. Insert
time based on real reports.
test out the servers of the
text or play music instantly
You can plan your working
company who you are
using hotkeys! Launch-n-Go
day better and be more
potentially going to buy
is a reliable quick launch
effective in managing your
hosting services
toolbar for fast access to
time as you see, where your
from. Using Host
anything on your computer or
time is gone. The
Evaluators intuitive
the Internet. Action &
application doesn't occupy
interface you can analyze
information at your
space on your desktop and is
the best hosts based on many
controlled from System Tray.
of the important attributes
that you seek in a good
hosting environment. This
includes storage space,
bandwidth, 12-month cost,
e-mail, support, redundancy,
features, connection speed
and uptime. After this, you
can choose which plans you
want to compare, weight your
attributes according to your
needs and the Host Evaluator
will generate a table with
the best host.

Date: Mar, 12 2003

Date: Aug, 04 2005

Date: Jan, 03 2004

Date: Jul, 24 2003
Web Cal Plus is an HTML
DomainInspect is a
Finally, a way to view
For Project Managers using
Calendar Generation system.
feature-rich domain name
PageRank for the page you
Microsoft Project,
Simply enter your events and
checker software, enabling
are looking at on Mac OS X.
ValleySpeak Project Server
Web Cal Plus will generate
you to quickly and
Currently works with Safari.
provides affordable and easy
the HTML code. Attractive
conveniently find desired
to use browser-based access
multi-color calendars
domain names to register.
to allow their team to view
including 12-month year
The built-in database
and update schedule status
calendars, single month and
embraces more than 100
in real time. Integrated
daily calendars. Includes
popular gTLDs and ccTLDs.
Project Management, Issue
recurring events, event
You may choose to manually
Tracking Tools and
cloning, holidays, filters,
input domain names, import
Discussion Forums with 100%
RTF format for beautiful
domain name list in a file,
Two Way Integration with
calendar messages.
or have domain names based
Microsoft Project. Roles
on keywords automatically
based Dashboard and
generated. DomainInspect
approvals based workflow.
simultaneously checks
(Requires dedicated machine,
availability and link
download is ISO image)
popularity of more than one
domain names at a time, and
the result can be saved,
printed, or exported into
other formats like Excel,
HTML, etc. If you are
looking for an ideal domain
name to register,
DomainInspect is the right
utility you'll need.

Date: Mar, 17 2003

Date: Jan, 09 2005

Date: Nov, 30 2005

Date: Apr, 07 2005
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