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HTML Map Designer Pro

Hits: 1243

HTML Scrambler

Hits: 1358
This article walks you
When developing Windows®
Map Designer is a powerful
Protecting HTML source code
through the process of
forms applications based
utility to simplify creation
or making invisible links.
normalizing a database to
upon Visual Basic (VB) 6.0
of image maps (images having
Third Normal Form. The
or Visual Basic for
many clickable areas on your
affect that each of the
Applications (VBA) 6.0, you
WEB pages). It takes just a
normalization criteria has
may often need to develop
moment to create your own
on an unnormalized database
context-sensitive help for
hypergraphic image! Built-in
is illustrated step-by-step
them to enable your users to
easy-to-use HTML editor
so that you can understand
obtain help on the
helps you to manage an
just what sort of impact a
application's many graphical
obtained html code.
specific normalization
user interface (GUI)
Features: - BMP, JPEG,
criterion has.
elements. Context-sensitive
GIF and PNG graphic formats
help is the type of helped
are supported - Tags and
that appears when users
events: ALT, TARGET,
select (i.e., change the
OnMouseOver, OnMouseOut are
focus to) a particular
supported - Ability to
screen element and then
make area of any form you
pressing the F1 key, which
involves the Help common
dialog displaying the help
topic associated with the
selected element.
Context-sensitive help is
used extensively by Windows
forms applications, whether
for applications developed
by Microsoft or other
forms-based application
vendors. This article walks
you through step-by-step on
how to create just such a
help system using the
current HTML Help technology.

Date: May, 19 2005

Date: May, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Jun, 10 2005
HTML Table Extractor is an
If you're frustrated that a
HTMLProtector is a tool that
add-in for Internet Explorer
website has unselectable
(HTASC) is easy to use
helps you protect the
(IE) allowing you to extract
text or if you need to view
online tool for quick
content of your web page by
tables from web pages in an
some HTML that's been
conversion HTML code to most
preventing others from
effective and quick manner.
encrypted then this
popular scripts (JavaScript
viewing your source code.
Also allows you to easily
application is a must. HTML
and PHP). It may be used to
Additionally, it will stop
select tabular data online
Text Extractor is the
convert into other scripting
spam robots from extracting
and convert it into files
simplest and easiest way to
languages too.
email addresses from your
for Microsoft Excel.This
view and save the HTML and
pages as well as prevent
Internet Explorer add-in
Text from any
people from using automated
makes it possible to find
webpage. Increasingly web
downloaders to download your
and extract data from tables
designers are protecting
entire web site to their
into a new window, or to
their web pages by disabling
hard drive. HTMLProtector
look through the HTML code
the right click menu and
offers three JavaScript
of the selected table.
using javascript to hide
based encryption methods to
their text and HTML code.
choose from and a variety of
HTML Text Extractor cuts
other features like right
through the protection.
click disable, printing
disable, password protect
your pages, insert copyright
information and more!
HTMLProtector will meet
all your web page protection
needs -- compared to similar
products currently
available, HTMLProtector
contains features that you
will find far superior.

Date: Nov, 26 2005

Date: Apr, 14 2005

Date: Oct, 25 2002

Date: Mar, 04 2006
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