
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Phantom EZ Form

Hits: 313

Aardvark Map

Hits: 788

Perfect Macro Recorder

Hits: 338

RankQuest WatchRank

Hits: 270
Phantom EZ Form its a webform
Aardvark Map is a free tool
Easily automate recurring
Know how well you're ranked
creator. Using a really
that helps you to plot
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over time for a keyword in
easy-to-use interfase you
either information on to a
Macro Recorder. Use Perfect
leading search engine!
can configure your webform
Google Map so you can create
Macro Recorder to records
Manual monitoring of search
and install it at your
a customised map for your
keystrokes, mouse events,
engine kills your precious
website. The program takes
website. The process is
and clicks then replay them
time. RankQuest WatchRank is
you step by step through the
very simple and requires no
later, you can also convert
an easy way to monitor
configuration of your
technical knowledge. You
the macro to an executable
site's position in Google.
webform and at the end, it
can have a custom map
file [*.exe] that can be run
WatchRank is a free SEO tool
installs it automatically at
created in minutes.
stand alone without Perfect
which monitors site's
your website!
Macro Recorder.
position, its variations and
compares performance
against your competitors.
The inbuilt scheduler
fetches the results daily.
We have reduced the download
size of WatchRank
drastically to 377KB, with
all the functions intact.
Added to this, our new
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with enhanced usability.
Currently WatchRank is in
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windows users. But yes, we
are sure you will find it a
very handy tool. Download
the new WatchRank and get

Date: Nov, 14 2006

Date: Nov, 05 2006

Date: Nov, 02 2006

Date: Nov, 01 2006
Article Submitter is the
This tool allows you to
Topsite Adder is a
Bookmark Base is a portable
fastest and easiest way to
preview inline text Kontera
revolutionary new program
bookmarks and favorites
get your articles posted on
ads on your website.
that allows you to add your
manager designed to
hundreds of article
sites to topsites in
synchronize bookmarks
directories without spending
minutes. Features
between different browsers
hours and hours on the
include: - submit multiple
and computers. Portability
manual labor of doing so.
sites to multiple
means that you can move your
Submitting articles to
topsites - automatic
copy of Bookmark Base
article directories can
captcha detection and
between computers. The best
increase the ‘back links’ to
decrypting - support for 4
solution is to deploy
your website and hence
popular topsite scripts,
Bookmark Base on your USB
increase your Google
millions of topsites in
drive. You'll be able to
ranking. It also increase
total - find and add
synchronize bookmarks among
website traffic. FEATURES:
topsites via keyword
MS IE, Firefox, Seamonkey,
1/ Article Submitter has 138
searches - html link code
Opera, K-meleon and XBEL,
Auto Fill article
generation for all topsites
check your bookmarks for
directories for you to start
you've added a site to -
validity and export them
posting your articles to!
javascript rotator that
It also has an additional 25
allows you to cycle through
Manual fill articles
topsites a site has been
directory sites as well; 2/
added to and display a few
you will have the ability to
at a time With Topsite
edit the included Article
Adder you're able to save
Directory submissions sites;
hours of time and tedious
3/ Article Submitter
work filling out
software stores all of your
registration forms, cut
personal information,
& pasting codes, finding
resource box, and articles.
topsites and more.
It then will proceed one at
a time to go to each of the
articles sites for you, log
you in and auto fill all of
your content including your
name, your article, your
author resource box, even an
article summary on any sites
that ask for it!

Date: Oct, 27 2006

Date: Oct, 27 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2006
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