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Advanced RSS2Web Professional

Hits: 776

Article Submitter

Hits: 455

iMacros for Firefox

Hits: 650

Gmail Storage Drive 1 GB

Hits: 350
Advanced RSS2Web helps you
Article submitter is a
The Web browser is probably
GMail Drive creates a virtual
to: download newsfeeds in
desktop application which
the most frequently used
filesystem on top of your
RSS and XML format, reformat
makes extremely easy to
software today, and many
Google GMail account and
them according to
submit your articles to
tasks are highly
enables you to save and
user-defined HTML templates,
various ezines and blogs for
repetitious. iMacros for
retrieve files stored on
upload results to website
free.Article submission is a
Firefox relieves the
your GMail account directly
via shared folder or ftp,
proven method to drive
repetition of checking on
from inside Windows
work with free newsfeeds and
traffic to your website.Free
the same sites every day,
Explorer. GMail Drive
articles available for
instant download.
remembering passwords and
literally adds a new drive
download and redistribution.
filling out web forms. Web
to your computer under the
professionals can use the
My Computer folder, where
software for functional
you can create new folders,
testing and regression web
copy and drag'n'drop files
testing of web applications.
Another use is to automate
web scraping, for example
online stock quotes or web
store prices.

Date: Dec, 15 2006

Date: Dec, 08 2006

Date: Dec, 07 2006

Date: Dec, 05 2006
Alchemy Network Monitor
ClipMagic is a powerful
RSS Announcer is a desktop
Content Scrubber Email
monitors your network
Clipboard Extender and
application that submits
Marketing tool is a simple
servers and
Information Manager for
your RSS feed to all major
to use desktop application
recording, storing and
RSS search engines and
that allows you test your
applications availability
sorting text and images,
directories.The process is
messages for words and
and performance and
either automatically or
100% automatic.
phrases that might trigger
immediately alerts you if a
manually, with special
the spam filters, before you
server gets out of order.
features for recording URL's
send your emails out.
Alchemy Network Monitor can
if the text is from an
also perform certain actions
Internet site. To save an
(e.g. launch an external
item you simply copy it to
application or execute an
the Windows clipboard by
SQL query) when a server
pressing CTRL-C. ClipMagic
stops responding to the
then automatically stores
programs requests and
it, and if you have set up
maintain a detailed server
Rules and Filters the clip
monitoring log.
will be moved into a
pre-defined category.

Date: Nov, 30 2006

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Nov, 21 2006

Date: Nov, 16 2006
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