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WWW File Share

Hits: 633

Meta Generator

Hits: 158

Innovate PayPal Payment Manager

Hits: 233

Link Popularity Check

Hits: 611
WWW File Share is a software
This program allows you to
Innovate PayPal Payment
Link Popularity Check is a
which can help you share
enter your text for a Meta
Manager (IPPM), downloads
freeware program that checks
files with your friends all
Tag and then will generate
emails sent to you by paypal
the link popularity status
around the world. Simply
the code for you. It
and processes them according
of your web site on several
specify the path which
supports the Title, Author,
to their subject. Using this
search engines and compares
contains files you want to
Subject, Description,
tool you can automate your
it to other web sites on the
share and the port number to
Keywords, Generator,
delivery process by letting
Internet (for example your
start the share service,
Language, Expires,
the program send emails and
competitors). Find out how
then press "Start"
Distribution, Robots,
attachments to your
popular your web site is.
button, a service will start
and Redirect Meta Tag.
customers according to your
on your computer and your
computer become a server,
you can stop this service
anytime. Then your friends
can visit your computer and
download files via browser.
They do not have to install
this software if they just
want to download files from
your computer.

Date: Jul, 25 2002

Date: Jul, 11 2002

Date: May, 28 2002

Date: May, 28 2002
ARELIS (Axandra's Reciprocal
Vital Desktop is a desktop
Innovate Mail List Studio
The News Topic Icons Project
Links Solution) is a new
animation utility, a program
checks a selected pop3 mail
is a collection of topic
software program that helps
designed to bring a fresh
list account for emails and
icons for news sites such as
you to establish many high
new look to your desktop.
manages subscribers and
slash, phpnuke, and many
quality reciprocal links
Never again will you be
unsubscribers automatically.
others. Contributions of new
that point to your web site.
faced with the same static
The mail list studio lets
icons are very welcome.
It is the first software
background every time. Now,
you customise your standard
program that provides a
your desktop actually comes
responses, choose your
serious, spam-free
alive. The idea of vital
download intervals, log all
reciprocal links solution
desktop is simple. You have
responses, select multiple
for professional webmasters.
favourite screensaver - why
users to send messages to
These reciprocal links will
wait till it starts? Or
the list etc. Users can
improve the link popularity
you're bored with static
inform the mail studio that
of your web site and improve
pastoral picture on your
they are absent per email.
the ranking of your web site
desktop? Pick a screensaver.
The mail studio then
on search engines. You'll
Run it on your desktop, and
responds to all senders with
also get free targeted
Make it vital.
the users specific message.
traffic to your web site
The mail studio can be run
through these links.
both stand-a-lone or as a
server with scheduled tasks.
In server mode
administrators can access
the user interface from a
client over a tcpip network.
In the demo version the
mailing list is deleted upon
closing the mail studio.

Date: May, 28 2002

Date: May, 21 2002

Date: May, 20 2002

Date: May, 06 2002
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