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/** Search */



Mouse Click Application

Hits: 144


Hits: 708

QuickDev Suite

Hits: 702


Hits: 130
This is a set of fast and
Escapade, or ESP for short,
QuickDev is a suite of 5 web
NB-safecolor is a unique
handy tools for webmasters.
is a server-side scripting
developer programs: QuickDev
color tool. It allows you to
Includes Search Engine
language that provides an
Tags (Custom tag and snippet
choose the right combination
Optimizer, Search Engine
interface to back-end
Manager and Storage
of colors for a webpage,
Position Report, Search
database contents.
program), QuickDev Data
either by choosing from a
Engine Submission, Site
Specifically designed to
(Quickly view the database
websafe/named colorpalette,
(link) popularity and
create dynamic information
schema (tables and fields)
pre-defined colorsets or by
Keyword Density Analyzer.
from this data, Escapade can
of any system DSN), QuickDev
specifying RGB/HEX-values.
be used to generate any kind
Meta (Choose your meta tags,
Easy copy and paste of
of document - HTML, XML,
edit them, then add them to
CSS-code with the color
text, and more. Unlike many
single web files or every
layout to your editor.
scripting languages
webfile in a directory),
Features a user-friendly
currently available,
QuickDev Stamp (Enter your
interface to try different
Escapade boasts a relaxed
design stamp, then add them
color combination, switch
and forgiving learning
to single web files or every
between colors, undo color
curve. Another key
web file in a directory.),
choice, swap color coding
characteristic of ESP is its
and Quickdev Color (Quickly
between items, and much more.
ability to not only supplant
select a browser safe HTML
other scripts, but to
color code (HEX))
co-exist comfortably with
them as well. Rather than
the esoteric scripting of
Perl of PHP, ESP syntax more
closely resembles BASIC.
This makes ESP a comparative
pleasure for web developers.
Anyone with a solid
knowledge of HTML can be up
and running with Escapade in
a matter of hours. You just
need to add two lines to
httpd.conf, extract the
binaries to your cgi-bin and
you are up and running.

Date: Oct, 04 2001

Date: Sep, 10 2001

Date: Aug, 02 2001

Date: Mar, 23 2001
Online MYSQL database manager
R-Word is Microsoft Word
xadsen is a monitor for
WebNews.TV downloads the
to create and manage all
Document Recovery software
latest news from RSS news
your mysql databases
designed to recover
ADSENSE"(*) that runs
feeds and Web sites and then
anywhere on the web.
corrupted Microsoft Word
as a little window in your
shows and pronounces them in
Extensive knowledge of SQL
documents. R-Word extracts
desktop (like xmem, xbiff,
TV like screen. Funny
is not necessary. You don't
text even from heavily
and so on). xadsen will show
characters (for example -
even have to remember number
damaged *.doc files and
the earning for today and
penguin) entertain you while
of fields, types etc as the
never deletes from disk,
yesterday, together with the
you are reading and
Console shows them all for
writes to, or modifies the
percentage and number of
listening news headlines.
original document files when
clicks for the two days,
For each news theme (world
performs any operation
this will allow you to stay
news, sports, technology,
including Microsoft Word
informed about your earning
entertainment, etc.) you get
document recovery. The
without to have to log
different emotion of TV
recovered documents can be
multiple times in your
dictor (character)
saved as Word *.doc or plain
represented by special
text *.txt files. R-Word
account, but just looking at
cartoon movie corresponded
supports automatic or manual
the xadsen window in your
to this theme.
search for Word documents on
all (including network)
disks visible by the host
operating system.

Date: Feb, 19 2001

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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