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Hits: 3243

MySQL Backup Pro

Hits: 1587

MySQL Cache

Hits: 1641
Upgraded!! MyNewzLetter is a
Online demonstration
This package is meant to
Feature List: *Easy
powerful html newsletter
available based on a shop
provide backup and restore
Installation *Caches query
application that can be set
front. But the interface
services of MySQL
results for specified amount
up to run on your server in
will be applicable for any
databases. It provides a
of time *Caches specified
just a few minutes. Its easy
MySQL database driven
friendly tab based user
table for specified amount
to use wysiwyg editor will
website. Menu driven
interface that lets the
of time *Updates cached
help you set up professional
user-friendly design makes
users create backups of
files when table has been
looking html newsletters in
it operable by any one even
given MySQL databases to
modified via MySQL Cache or
a short period of time with
without any skill in
files, listing previously
if the amount of time
less knowledge than it takes
database management. This
generated backups, restore a
specified has been
to use a word processor. You
will substantially reduce
given backup and deleting
exceeded *Keeps track of
can save an unlimited number
cost of data update and
backup files. Currently
how many users have visited
of email templates for
maintenance. Fully modular
this package requires PHP
in a specified amount of
future campaigns. New
design with provision for
with the bzip or zlib
time *Requires no
features include, return
upgrading services in tune
extension enabled to
modification of existing
receipts, email priority and
with expansion of business
generate compressed backup
MySQL queries *Modified
sending archived messages to
and additional requirements.
files. It also uses the
versions of most common
new sign-ups. Take a look at
gonxtabs class to create an
MySQL functions to work with
our online demo.
user-friendly navigation
MySQL Cache *Programmed in
menu. Localisation
support is enabled to let
you configure your
application with your
default langage and change
it, or to add a new
translation. 1.0.6 : You
can choose between create
backup of hole DB or select
specefic tables to
backup. 1.0.7-PRE2 : All
PHP notice error messages
have been removed. Brazilian
Portuguese,Dutch, Chinese
and Tagalog translations
have been added.

Date: Dec, 05 2006

Date: May, 21 2004

Date: May, 31 2004

Date: Aug, 30 2004
This script takes MySQL
n9PhPGallery is a web-based
A simple download manager
NukeLadder is a addon pack
timestamps in the format
photo gallery built for PHP
which will allow you to
for versions of PhpNuke,
MySQL uses (yyyymmddhhmmss)
and mySQL. It includes a
archive all your downloads.
CPGNuke, PlatinumNuke,
and then can format these in
fully-functional admin
The script has a built in
IPBNuke and possibly
a variety of ways. These are
console allowing you to
text counter which, unlike
others. Nukeladder lets
relatively simple functions
upload your photos. Photos
most download managers, will
you run multiple
with a very specific
are stored in folders (and
record each hit during
competitions for multiple
purpose, but use them if you
sub-folders). Uses GD to
download and not how many
games. What kind of
generate thumbnails.
hits get to the information
competitions? Well,
page. It is quick and light
Nukeladder now includes its
and now includes a script
of mods directory where you
that will automatically
can load different types of
detect all the files in the
competition. Adding new
download directory and list
competition formats is easy,
and more are currently being
worked on. Current formats
include, league , ladder and
below) This flexibility
lets you run different types
of competitions all at the
same time, with the same
script, same teams, and

Date: May, 28 2005

Date: Nov, 24 2003

Date: Jun, 10 2004

Date: Aug, 20 2004
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