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Hits: 1663
here is a nice guestbook
GuestPro is a guestbook
iCritique is a web
You can use this simple free
script for your website. it
script with powerful
application that allows for
script, to embed in any of
does everything that a real
administration features.
the creation of an online
your websites. Its easy
guestbook is supposed to do.
Uses sessions to control
community of viewers. Put
to install, and easy to edit
apart from recording the
login. Free to all.
simply, it's an online tool
your information. Give it
site users views and
that streamlines the process
comments, the Guest Book
of publishing and viewing
logs the user's IP's, shows
Digital Video work on the
entries in order of latest
Internet, and that easily
entries first, records the
enables online discussions
email addresses and websites
of the work published.
of your guests/visitors,
lets u include smilies with
a click of your mouse, and
displays time and date along
with the posts. this is the
first release of the Guest
Book and very soon the next
release featuring avatar
options and admin functions
will be out. a demo is
available on the author's
site. download it from the
site and use it for FREE on

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Feb, 27 2004

Date: Jun, 07 2004
Professional Home Inspector /
A very simple script that
Invisionix Systems' portable
Jinzora is a Web-based media
Mold Inspector Locator.
blocks multiple ip addresses
Instant Messenger (IRSIM)
streamer, primarily desgined
Allow your visitors to find
from acsessing your site.
utilizes PHP and MySQL. This
to stream MP3s (but can be
the nearest inspector by
Includes a ban list file so
Open Source program
used for any media file that
state and/or county. Update
ip's can be blocked easily,
interacts with ICQ, MSN,
can stream from HTTP).
the Inspector fields to
if you have more than one
AIM, Yahoo and Jabber IMs.
Jinzora can be integrated
reflect the type of
page to restrict. Also
It features database message
into a PostNuke site, a
inspectors your site offers.
includes old
buffers, login, local
PHPNuke site, run as a
Displays results as
version. Please note,
registration a contact list,
standalone application, or
Inspector Name,
that you must be a member of
and message input/output
integrated into any PHP
Certification Expires on
Namek.co.uk to download the
,Business phone Website
file. Registering is free,
Business, e-mail
and takes about 20 seconds,
,Certification, State,
so dont worry.
County, Business name,
Business address, Business
fax, Business cell. Easily
Customized to match your
sites needs. Simple Free
Installation will have your
complete locator setup and
ready to search, fill orders
for unlimited number of
inspectors. Complete Secure
administration area with
graphical interface allows
for simple addition of
inspectors, admin users
account setup/maintenance,
adding logos to VIP
inspectors, deleting
inspectors, listing all
inspectors , and sending
newletters to all
inspectors. More features
being added with free
lifetime updates.

Date: May, 11 2004

Date: Nov, 26 2003

Date: Mar, 09 2006

Date: Apr, 15 2004
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