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GC List

Hits: 1623

GC Ping

Hits: 1768

GC Trace

Hits: 1715

GC Upload

Hits: 874
Provides you with an
Allows you to ping an IP
Allows you to trace an IP
Provides you with a quick and
effortless way of listing
address, using the ping
address, using the
easy way of uploading a file
the contents of any
command on your Web host. It
traceroute command on your
from your computer to any
directory on your Web host,
provides a configurable ping
Web host.
directory on your Web host,
as long as you have the
as long as you have the
appropriate permissions to
appropriate permissions to
do so. Alongside each file
do so.
name, it will display the
size of the file in bytes
and the date of when it was
last modified.

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004
he phpGrid© is a simple but
A counter that counts how
Let your visitors signup or
here is a nice guestbook
powerful tool for generating
many people have been to
register on your website.
script for your website. it
data-bound grid control in
your website in the last x
Make certain sections of
does everything that a real
PHP environment. Grid-based
minutes. Requires MySQL and
your website available only
guestbook is supposed to do.
editing including browse,
PHP. You can specify table
to registered users. so that
apart from recording the
create, view, update and
name and how many minutes it
the users have to log in
site users views and
remove records are the most
should count for. Very easy
before they access an area
comments, the Guest Book
common behaviors for web
to install and set up.
of your website. the user
logs the user's IP's, shows
developers. The phpGrid is
Support available by email.
registration script is very
entries in order of latest
excellent for
customizable and easy to
entries first, records the
database-driven web site.
install. just edit a few
email addresses and websites
Just a few lines of code
HTML codes and you are ready
of your guests/visitors,
will create nice and
to use it. the user
lets u include smilies with
professional looking
registration form also mails
a click of your mouse, and
datagrid. It dramatically
the users the forgotten
displays time and date along
decreases product
passwords when a registered
with the posts. this is the
turn-around time for PHP web
user requests for it. future
first release of the Guest
releases will have lot more
Book and very soon the next
options. the script is very
release featuring avatar
secure and you can embed it
options and admin functions
in your web pages with ease.
will be out. a demo is
the use of stylesheets lets
available on the author's
u modify the looks to easily
site. download it from the
merge with the looks of your
site and use it for FREE on
site. a demo is available on
the author's website. and
best of all, the user
registration script is
completely free.

Date: Jul, 07 2004

Date: Jul, 06 2004

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: Jul, 05 2004
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