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/** Search */




Hits: 789

Simple Email Send

Hits: 1634


Hits: 5923
Ad server - page rotator -
This Working Email form is
English, German and Italian
PHP Live Assist has more than
slideshow - ad rotator - and
very handy it includes, a
guestbook with a lot of
30 powerful features that
what ever you can imagine
working WYSIWYG editor and
personalizzations and
will bring your on-line
system. Forget rotating
working smilies. its Very
sales desk to life. Whether
banners. Rotate thousands of
easy to modify and install.
features. Easy to upgrade,
you are a small site or on
full page ads in 1 single
all i ask for you using it
easy to insert emoticons,
the Fortune 500 list PHP
window. Introducing
is a link back to my site.
easy to manage for user and
Live Assist has all the
RotoAds. The revolutionary
thank you
admin too. No spam with a
power and scalability you'll
multi purpose solution for
good email
ever need. Simply take a
serving and displaying
checker. Automatic viewble
free test drive to find out
advertising and galleries.
stats for browsers and os,
for yourself. This is an ASP
It will rotate your ads in a
automatic database
solution that runs on our
viewer friendly way.
utilization too. Respect
Originally designed as an
W3C HTML 4.01 Strict
alternative to TGPs and
Validation in included or
Freesites, it was realized
stand-alone version and W3C
that the potential for use
CSS2 too.
goes beyond. Only limited by
one`s imagination.

Date: Nov, 11 2003

Date: Nov, 02 2003

Date: Nov, 02 2003

Date: Nov, 02 2003
Contax is a searchable
The ideia is to pub a lot of
EZbb :: A remotely hosted
Web-based contact management
sentences in a txt files,
board, that is ran on a
application. It was designed
and the script randomly
network with Global
with simplicity in mind.
picks a sentence at the time
Accounts, and much much
Users should be able to
and show it in your site.
more. It is currently in
easily integrate it into
preBeta Stage, meaning it
their existing Web site. All
hasn't yet been built. We
styles and colors can be
would like to see your input
customized with CSS.
into it, WHAT would you like
to see?

Date: Oct, 29 2003

Date: Oct, 27 2003

Date: Jun, 29 2003
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