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Hits: 1018

File Uploader

Hits: 1603

PHP Plugs

Hits: 2059


Hits: 2914
this is an extremely useful
this is an extremely handy
This script will allow your
Lots of cool stuff. User
script that lets u know
script lets your visitors
visitors to post their link
login/register, user
whats going on around your
load files to your own web
on your webpage. It does not
profiles, custom avatars,
site. the script will keep
folder directly. this
require mysql, and the only
reply pagination, dynamic
track of the no of hits to
simple script uses
thing you have to do is edit
style choosing, many
your site ( that is, a
stylesheet to suitably
the config.php and add the
features and settings, event
counter), number of users
integrate with your website
supplied code to your
logging. It's purty damn
online, and display the
looks. files of any type are
user's IP address along with
supported and you can
the current date and time.
specify the maximum size of
the script is very easy to
files that can be uploaded
customize and install. a
by users. the script
demo is available on the
displays a succes or failure
author's website. and best
message once the user has
of all, the script is
clicked on the submit
completely free. download it
button. the file uploader is
now and use it on your site.
free and a demo can be seen
on the author's site.
download it now and use it
on your site.

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: Jul, 02 2004
this is an extremely handy
here is a wonderful shoutbox
With this module you can
An easy to use and highly
and easy to install contact
(i call it a screambox) for
integrate a whole
customizable login script.
form or email form you can
use on your websites. it has
Download3000 software
This script is very good,
use on your websites. just
a beautiful interface than
archive (almost 4000
not too long and has a
load the single file (there
will easily integrate with
articles) to your PHP-Nuke
reasonable price too.
is also a stylesheet which u
your websites. besides,
powered site within one
can choose to use or not) to
there are stylesheets
minute. The best of all
your server, configure your
included so u can use it to
is the fact that you can
email address and you are
customize the look and feel
earn money through the
done. the form mailer also
of the shoutbox. the
RegNow affiliate program.
comes with a confirmation
shoutbox has easy admin
If users will buy software
note after your mail has
control features, flood
from your site you will earn
been sent. this contact
control, and requires no
commission. You need just
mailer also verifies if the
database. i have also
register yourself at RegNow
email supplied by a user is
included a box interface to
and add your affiliate ID to
correct and returns an error
use for free along with this
module's config.php. That's
message if not. the demo for
shoutbox. the shoutbox is
the form mailer / contact
completely free. Feel free
mailer can be seen here -
to download this shoutbox
<a href=
from my site.

Date: Jun, 28 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2004

Date: Jun, 22 2004

Date: Jun, 21 2004
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