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/** Search */



Phrase Rotator

Hits: 1558


Hits: 1557

Message 366

Hits: 1557

File Uploader

Hits: 1556
The ideia is to pub a lot of
This tool is very similar to
Message 366 is very simple
this is an extremely handy
sentences in a txt files,
phpMyAdmin, with the
script that shows a
script lets your visitors
and the script randomly
difference that the user
completely different message
load files to your own web
picks a sentence at the time
interface is built using
on your website for everyday
folder directly. this
and show it in your site.
Macromedia Flash 7
of the year.
simple script uses
technology. You may use
stylesheet to suitably
phpFlashMyAdmin to edit
integrate with your website
mysql table definitions and
looks. files of any type are
perform other common data
supported and you can
management tasks with MySQL.
specify the maximum size of
Since Flash is used, there
files that can be uploaded
are no annoying page
by users. the script
refreshes, as there are with
displays a succes or failure
HTML-based management
message once the user has
tools. phpFlashMyAdmin
clicked on the submit
takes MySQL management a
button. the file uploader is
step further... with this
free and a demo can be seen
tool, you will now have the
on the author's site.
ability to create, edit, and
download it now and use it
remove InnoDB table
on your site.
relationships, a feature
that is commonly found in
advanced, GUI-based
databases like MS Access and
SQL Server. You may cascade
updates and deletions of
table data, and enforce
referential integrity among
your data. This is a feature
which truly sets
phpFlashMyAdmin apart from
any other MySQL
administration tools.

Date: Oct, 27 2003

Date: Apr, 01 2004

Date: Dec, 29 2003

Date: Jul, 05 2004
This is the most complete
This package is meant to
This program was desigend for
Proxyhits.com sends fake
real estate system you could
provide backup and restore
webmasters, to privde access
traffic or visitors to your
find. The admin can post
services of MySQL
to thousands of dollars in
website using a list of
houses with price and
databases. It provides a
scripts, website templates,
available proxy ports. Each
multiple images. In the
friendly tab based user
hosting service and even
hit is registered on your
admin area you can also
interface that lets the
includes a great affiliate
server as a "true"
update the different text
users create backups of
income program all for one
unique visitor to your
only pages, just type in the
given MySQL databases to
website. In addition our
text you wanted to get
files, listing previously
software uses patented
displayed and update. 3
generated backups, restore a
referring technology to make
different templates are
given backup and deleting
it appear as if the visitors
available and user can
backup files. Currently
are coming from various
switch between 2 languages.
this package requires PHP
places including Google or
And even more....
with the bzip or zlib
any unique URL you specify.
extension enabled to
We are the original
generate compressed backup
developers of this
files. It also uses the
gonxtabs class to create an
user-friendly navigation
menu. Localisation
support is enabled to let
you configure your
application with your
default langage and change
it, or to add a new
translation. 1.0.6 : You
can choose between create
backup of hole DB or select
specefic tables to
backup. 1.0.7-PRE2 : All
PHP notice error messages
have been removed. Brazilian
Portuguese,Dutch, Chinese
and Tagalog translations
have been added.

Date: Jun, 20 2004

Date: May, 31 2004

Date: Mar, 22 2004

Date: Jun, 01 2004
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