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/** Search */



The Money Making Module

Hits: 1464

dtemplate Parser Engine

Hits: 1456

vrml planetary system

Hits: 1445
Webmasters,make money now
This code reads the names of
dtemplate is a
Makes many planets with many
through your PHP-Nuke
all folders in a directory
Template-Parser Engine which
moons and a ring if chosen.
Powered website. With the
and generates a menu of
used for using
Now has some planetmaps and
Europermission affiliate
links to those directories.
Template-Based Development
moonmaps and milkyway
program(The Money Making
If there are no directories,
System :) Makes your PHP
background if chosen. Looks
Module) you will be
it checks the next folder
Source separated from HTML
realistic! Outputs wrl or
generating revenue for every
down and uses those instead.
source.. this simple yet
source files. Now with
registered users, even if
It also generates a
powerful Template
random background also!
these users never revisit
breadcrumb trail and page
Parser, easy to use.., easy
your web page. When the
titles based on the url of
to implemented, and make
user registers into our
the page. For more advanced
development time 10 times
permission marketing
instructions, click the link
more faster.. the
program, he/she provides us
provided to my site.
Package also contain an
with demographic and
Howto that includes many
professional information
tutorials that makes you
which we subsequently rent
mastered Template based
to top tier and Forture 500
development System in only 1
advertisers at premium
hour with dtemplate :D

Date: Mar, 18 2004

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Jan, 02 2004

Date: Apr, 18 2005
The TT calendar library is a
I use this when I tie my PHP
RSA Software's Business
FastWork, an installer of
PHP library for producing
programs to a Flash
Solutions version 6.0 is a
Apache 2.x.xx, MySql 4.x.xx
and manipulating calendar
frontend. You feed it an
web-based accounting
and PHP 4.x.xx for Windows
months as HTML. It
SQL query string and it
software designed to provide
specially made for PHP
simplifies the process of
outputs XML that the Flash
your company with the
developers. If you plan to
producing a calendar as an
XML object can read in.
foundation required for your
learn PHP or MySQL why
HTML table, and allows
accounting and financial
FastWork should install for
individual days and ranges
reporting needs. Our web
you other great tools like
of days to be coloured or
based accounting solution is
phpMyAdmin or phpBB?
enclosed in anchor tags at
will. It has been tested
that uses browser technology
with PHP versions greater
but leaves your data
than 4.0.6. This software is
securely on your LAN based
free open source software
server, protected from the
released under the terms of
Internet. Built on a core
the GNU Lesser General
of "open-source"
Public Licence.
technology, RSA Business
Solutions combines the
speed, functionality,
accuracy and stability of
traditional LAN based
accounting/business software
with the usability,
cost-of-ownership savings
and "hard ROI
dollars" of a true ASP.
Available modules
include : - INVOICING -
Solutions, makes anywhere,
anytime, secure accounting a
reality !!!

Date: Apr, 10 2004

Date: Jan, 14 2004

Date: Nov, 16 2003

Date: Dec, 20 2004
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