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ASSP Spam Filter Gateway

Hits: 2070


Hits: 2059

PHP Plugs

Hits: 2058

TGP Daemon

Hits: 2047
The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy
Ampache is a Web-based Audio
This script will allow your
We are webmaster's. Like all
(ASSP) Server project is an
file manager. It is
visitors to post their link
webmaster's you buy domains.
open source
implemented with MySQL, and
on your webpage. It does not
Lot's and lot's of domains.
platform-independent SMTP
PHP. It allows you to view,
require mysql, and the only
Sometimes you get a little
Proxy server which
edit, and play your audio
thing you have to do is edit
carried away on this and
implements whitelists and
files via the web. It has
the config.php and add the
wind up with domains that
Bayesian filtering to rid
support for playlists,
supplied code to your
can sit for awhile dormant.
the planet of the blight of
artist and album views,
We sure do! This Gallery
unsolicited email (UCE). UCE
album art, random play,
Rotation script gives you
must be stopped at the SMTP
playback via Http/On the Fly
the ability to quickly put a
server. Anti-spam tools must
Transcoding and
linkable site up that can
be adaptive to new spam and
Downsampling, Vote based
start making you money while
customized for each site's
playback, Mpd and Icecast,
you continue along your
mail patterns. This free,
Integrated Flash Player, as
work before the domain
easy-to-use tool works with
well as per user themes and
purchasing addiction hit you
any mail transport and
song play tracking. You can
again. This script was
achieves these goals
also Link multiple Ampache
designed to be installed and
requiring no operator
servers togeather using
running quickly. Edit a
intervention after the
XML-RPC. Ampache supports
template, create three text
initial setup phase.
GETTEXT translations and has
files, set permissions and
a full translation of many
it is ready to go! You can
control multiple domains
from one installation of
the gallery rotation script.

Date: Oct, 05 2006

Date: Nov, 13 2006

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: May, 03 2005
EasyCarLots 1.0 is a powerful
iCritique is a web
PHPMyStats is a PHP script
Professional Home Inspector /
Web-Based application that
application that allows for
especially designed to give
Mold Inspector Locator.
makes it easy for you to
the creation of an online
information about your
Allow your visitors to find
have and maintain your own
community of viewers. Put
server running Windows or
the nearest inspector by
online car lot. When a
simply, it's an online tool
Linux. It gives information
state and/or county. Update
vehicle is clicked from your
that streamlines the process
about the system, memory,
the Inspector fields to
car lot, the customer will
of publishing and viewing
drives attached, network,
reflect the type of
see the details of the
Digital Video work on the
pci information, and many
inspectors your site offers.
vehicle along with 4 photos.
Internet, and that easily
more. You can make your own
Displays results as
All photos are enlarged when
enables online discussions
modules and templates. It's
Inspector Name,
clicked. Simply click Add a
of the work published.
simpely to use, admin panel
Certification Expires on
Car, fill out the form and
for changing the positions
,Business phone Website
your car will be added to
and do more things
Business, e-mail
your website. It's that
,Certification, State,
easy. Adding a photo uses
County, Business name,
the same concept with a
Business address, Business
form. You simply click
fax, Business cell. Easily
Browse and select the
Customized to match your
photo(s) you would like to
sites needs. Simple Free
add from your computer for
Installation will have your
the specific car. Your car
complete locator setup and
lot will show 20 cars per
ready to search, fill orders
page with an unlimited
for unlimited number of
amount of vehicle storage.
inspectors. Complete Secure
All entries are fully
administration area with
editable and easily deleted
graphical interface allows
when you want to delete the
for simple addition of
car. You will have your own
inspectors, admin users
Username and Password to
account setup/maintenance,
enter the control panel of
adding logos to VIP
your car lot. Current
inspectors, deleting
rates for our license: 1
inspectors, listing all
year license $99.00 2
inspectors , and sending
year license
newletters to all
$149.95 Unlimited license
inspectors. More features
$495.00 This
being added with free
program will be hosted from
lifetime updates.
our servers only.

Date: Mar, 28 2006

Date: Feb, 27 2004

Date: Feb, 01 2004

Date: May, 11 2004
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