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TGP Daemon


TGP Daemon

Hits: 2048
We are webmaster's. Like all webmaster's you buy domains. Lot's and lot's of domains. Sometimes you get a little carried away on this and wind up with domains that can sit for awhile dormant. We sure do! This Gallery Rotation script gives you the ability to quickly put a linkable site up that can start making you money while you continue along your work before the domain purchasing addiction hit you again. This script was designed to be installed and running quickly. Edit a template, create three text files, set permissions and it is ready to go! You can control multiple domains from one installation of the gallery rotation script.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD
Date: May, 03 2005
Author: Shawn McAllister, http://www.phpadultscripts.info


Number of Ratings: 181 Votes
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