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PHP News System

Hits: 1881

PHP Mailer

Hits: 1863

PHP Links Page

Hits: 1852

Email Contact Form

Hits: 1841
News System is... well what
The PHP Mailer 1.0 draws by
This program was designed to
this is an extremely handy
it says it is! With smilies
simple adapts to different
display a list of links
and easy to install contact
and tags, setup and admin
Designs out. It makes
sorted into groups. I made
form or email form you can
password protected areas,
possible to send email to
it to use as my homepage so
use on your websites. just
can you believe it doesn't
the visitor of the web page
that all my links are at my
load the single file (there
even use MySQL??
by form to the Webmaster.
fingertips. I made this
is also a stylesheet which u
program skinable using CSS.
can choose to use or not) to
This is a standalone
your server, configure your
turn-key program that
email address and you are
requires no setup. Simply
done. the form mailer also
unzip and go. If you do not
comes with a confirmation
want to use this as an
note after your mail has
index.php you can rename it
been sent. this contact
to any filename you want.
mailer also verifies if the
The program will detect its
email supplied by a user is
name and adjust accordingly.
correct and returns an error
message if not. the demo for
the form mailer / contact
mailer can be seen here -
<a href=

Date: Apr, 26 2004

Date: Dec, 07 2005

Date: Jul, 17 2004

Date: Jun, 28 2004
Allows you to ping an IP
PHP XS installs apache 2, php
Allows you to trace an IP
Aliens:2098 is an online text
address, using the ping
5, mysql 4 and phpmyadmin 2
address, using the
based rpg, made in php using
command on your Web host. It
they are all the latest
traceroute command on your
mysql to record its data. It
provides a configurable ping
versions and are fully
Web host.
is an uncompleted project
configured for instant
but has working, battle,
use. This is the
forums, mail, chat,
simplest way to install a
weaponry, account options,
php mysql server with the
staff otpions there are
most reliable web server in
clans but clans also are
the world, apache!
rather unfinished. Reason
for unfinished is due to no
more time availible.

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Dec, 14 2005
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