
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */




Hits: 1442

PHP Directory Indexer

Hits: 1441

Message 366

Hits: 1438

Simple News Aministration

Hits: 1431
This is easy PHP script. No
PHP Directory Indexer is a
Message 366 is very simple
Would you like to post news
need to configure. This
PHP script, meant to replace
script that shows a
without any editors and
script sends emails to
apache's default directory
completely different message
e.t.c then simple News
unlimited email addresses in
lister module. It supports
on your website for everyday
Administration script for
HTML and text format. Also
various things, like,
of the year.
you. You can: - Add news -
If you have apache+php
themes, an icon for each
Remove - View Logs -
installed on your Windows i
file type, aliases, let user
Archive news and logs -
can give you SMTP Server and
choose how to order and wich
Have 3 levels of admins.
help to adjust that, after
theme to use.
Each level has own
that you will be able send
priveleges - Change
thousands emails from your
passwords You just need a
own computer.
server that supports PHP
4.3.1 Read README.txt
after unzipping.

Date: Nov, 12 2003

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Dec, 29 2003

Date: Mar, 29 2004
This tool is very similar to
A counter that counts how
This is a standard set of
With this module you can
phpMyAdmin, with the
many people have been to
scripts used for email
integrate a whole
difference that the user
your website in the last x
processing. There are only
Download3000 software
interface is built using
minutes. Requires MySQL and
two variable to change and
archive (almost 4000
Macromedia Flash 7
PHP. You can specify table
it will be ready to use.
articles) to your PHP-Nuke
technology. You may use
name and how many minutes it
This script is very
powered site within one
phpFlashMyAdmin to edit
should count for. Very easy
effective. This can only be
minute. The best of all
mysql table definitions and
to install and set up.
used for 1 email address. If
is the fact that you can
perform other common data
Support available by email.
you have multiple email
earn money through the
management tasks with MySQL.
address I suggest you use
RegNow affiliate program.
Since Flash is used, there
ct_email for more
If users will buy software
are no annoying page
flexibility. Also there is a
from your site you will earn
refreshes, as there are with
blind email version so that
commission. You need just
HTML-based management
you won't get hit by mail
register yourself at RegNow
tools. phpFlashMyAdmin
and add your affiliate ID to
takes MySQL management a
module's config.php. That's
step further... with this
tool, you will now have the
ability to create, edit, and
remove InnoDB table
relationships, a feature
that is commonly found in
advanced, GUI-based
databases like MS Access and
SQL Server. You may cascade
updates and deletions of
table data, and enforce
referential integrity among
your data. This is a feature
which truly sets
phpFlashMyAdmin apart from
any other MySQL
administration tools.

Date: Apr, 01 2004

Date: Jul, 06 2004

Date: Mar, 31 2004

Date: Jun, 22 2004
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