
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



MySQL Backup Pro

Hits: 1525

Online Counter

Hits: 1523

Random Image Finder / Displayer

Hits: 1514

Easy Email Script

Hits: 1509
This package is meant to
A counter that counts how
This script searches the
This is a standard set of
provide backup and restore
many people have been to
current directory for a
scripts used for email
services of MySQL
your website in the last x
folder named
processing. There are only
databases. It provides a
minutes. Requires MySQL and
"img". If found,
two variable to change and
friendly tab based user
PHP. You can specify table
it grabs a random image in
it will be ready to use.
interface that lets the
name and how many minutes it
the img folder and displays
This script is very
users create backups of
should count for. Very easy
it on your page. If not
effective. This can only be
given MySQL databases to
to install and set up.
found, it goes down a
used for 1 email address. If
files, listing previously
Support available by email.
directory level and searches
you have multiple email
generated backups, restore a
for the img folder again
address I suggest you use
given backup and deleting
until it finds one.
ct_email for more
backup files. Currently
flexibility. Also there is a
this package requires PHP
blind email version so that
with the bzip or zlib
you won't get hit by mail
extension enabled to
generate compressed backup
files. It also uses the
gonxtabs class to create an
user-friendly navigation
menu. Localisation
support is enabled to let
you configure your
application with your
default langage and change
it, or to add a new
translation. 1.0.6 : You
can choose between create
backup of hole DB or select
specefic tables to
backup. 1.0.7-PRE2 : All
PHP notice error messages
have been removed. Brazilian
Portuguese,Dutch, Chinese
and Tagalog translations
have been added.

Date: May, 31 2004

Date: Jul, 06 2004

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Mar, 31 2004
he phpGrid© is a simple but
Would you like to post news
PHP Directory Indexer is a
With this module you can
powerful tool for generating
without any editors and
PHP script, meant to replace
integrate a whole
data-bound grid control in
e.t.c then simple News
apache's default directory
Download3000 software
PHP environment. Grid-based
Administration script for
lister module. It supports
archive (almost 4000
editing including browse,
you. You can: - Add news -
various things, like,
articles) to your PHP-Nuke
create, view, update and
Remove - View Logs -
themes, an icon for each
powered site within one
remove records are the most
Archive news and logs -
file type, aliases, let user
minute. The best of all
common behaviors for web
Have 3 levels of admins.
choose how to order and wich
is the fact that you can
developers. The phpGrid is
Each level has own
theme to use.
earn money through the
excellent for
priveleges - Change
RegNow affiliate program.
database-driven web site.
passwords You just need a
If users will buy software
Just a few lines of code
server that supports PHP
from your site you will earn
will create nice and
4.3.1 Read README.txt
commission. You need just
professional looking
after unzipping.
register yourself at RegNow
datagrid. It dramatically
and add your affiliate ID to
decreases product
module's config.php. That's
turn-around time for PHP web

Date: Jul, 07 2004

Date: Mar, 29 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Jun, 22 2004
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