
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */




Hits: 1674

Linkexchange Pro

Hits: 640

Caching RSS News Reader

Hits: 1473
DataTrack is an image
RTFGen - a RTF generator
A linkexchange program very
A class to list the latest
cataloging system written in
class for PHP which is a
good for exchanging partner
RSS feeds news sites. I have
PHP with a MySQL database.
very powerful tool to create
links Features: - In
included a caching facility,
It is designed for an
complex RTF files from PHP
Hits counting - Out Hits
this is important to have.
Intranet situation. Users
on the fly. You control all
counting - Cheat protection
Most sites that allow you to
on a network can insert
the aspects of the RTF
(Ip adress) - Edit sytem
list their news items will
images in bulk or
document: pagination
for User - Admin system
probably ask that you cache
individually. This is an
(orientation ,numbering,
the pages for at least half
ideal program for any
size, etc), sections,
an hour, it,s only polite to
business or organization
paragraphs, all formatting
conform with this. I've
needing to have all their
properties (for paragraphs,
not really tested this
images organized and rated
pictures, tables), colors,
script a great deal, too
across a network. Simple
styles, fonts, headers,
busy working. The feeds I
set-up, simple to use, only
footers, footnotes,
tested were the ones in the
one license to purchase.
endnotes, pictures, tables
test area of the file and
Easily alter the category
and more. Because of its
some others RSS v0.91, v2,
names to suit your specific
flexibility, this RTF
RDF. They all worked fine
needs. DataTrack will be
generator could be used very
however if you find anything
operational in minutes on
well as document generation
let me know and I will make
IIS or Apache. Multiple
software within a document
the time for alterations.
keyword search as well as
delivery application.
isolated searches of
categories ensures a quick
and precise retrieval of
desired files. Users on the
network can insert multiple
files all at once with a
blanket description applied
to the set. Editing on an
individual basis can be done
later. Instantly access all
your image files, or any
file for that matter, in
seconds. Try the demo!

Date: Sep, 11 2004

Date: Sep, 11 2004

Date: Aug, 31 2004

Date: Aug, 30 2004
Feature List: *Easy
As its anme suggests, The
SafeSQL is an SQL query
NukeLadder is a addon pack
Installation *Caches query
Smart GuestBook is a
processer to automate the
for versions of PhpNuke,
results for specified amount
beautiful guestbook script
tedious tasks of syntax
CPGNuke, PlatinumNuke,
of time *Caches specified
in PHP that has almost all
testing, injection
IPBNuke and possibly
table for specified amount
features that an advanced
attack-proofing, dropping
others. Nukeladder lets
of time *Updates cached
guestbook should have. It
parts of queries and other
you run multiple
files when table has been
supports avatar, emoticons
misc features.
competitions for multiple
modified via MySQL Cache or
or smilies, bbcode, easy
games. What kind of
if the amount of time
installation with automatic
competitions? Well,
specified has been
installer, language
Nukeladder now includes its
exceeded *Keeps track of
templates (currently only
of mods directory where you
how many users have visited
English is available), flood
can load different types of
in a specified amount of
protection, IP logging &
competition. Adding new
time *Requires no
banning, bad words filter,
competition formats is easy,
modification of existing
validates the information
and more are currently being
MySQL queries *Modified
provided by your visitor
worked on. Current formats
versions of most common
(email, website, name,
include, league , ladder and
MySQL functions to work with
message), ICQ, AIM, YIM
MySQL Cache *Programmed in
support (displays
below) This flexibility
information via tooltips),
lets you run different types
an easy administrator
of competitions all at the
control panel with full
same time, with the same
control of your guestbook,
script, same teams, and
verification of comments for
size etc. With this advanced
version of the guestbook,
you can edit and design it
to fit your liking or your
website looks!! Moreover,
The Smart GuestBook can
record the time your
visitors signed your
guestbook. You can change
your password as often as
you need for security
reasons. And all this comes
for FREE!! A demo is
available on the author's
website. Come and get it now.

Date: Aug, 30 2004

Date: Aug, 23 2004

Date: Aug, 20 2004

Date: Aug, 20 2004
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