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The TT calendar library

Hits: 1446
dynaDocs, a fast and easy way
Jinzora is a Web-based media
This script is supposed to
The TT calendar library is a
to store your documents
streamer, primarily desgined
parse an Apache log file,
PHP library for producing
online. Access your files
to stream MP3s (but can be
look for all domains that
and manipulating calendar
via a web browser (also pda
used for any media file that
exceed a certain amount of
months as HTML. It
compatible). The best
can stream from HTTP).
accesses (threshold is set
simplifies the process of
searchable archive system
Jinzora can be integrated
as percentage of all
producing a calendar as an
yet! Can be configured as a
into a PostNuke site, a
HTML table, and allows
Content Management System
PHPNuke site, run as a
normalize/generalize them
individual days and ranges
(CMS) for your clients as
standalone application, or
and then add it to a
of days to be coloured or
well. Store your problem
integrated into any PHP
.htaccess file in order to
enclosed in anchor tags at
resolution documents,
block those domains for the
will. It has been tested
procedures, installation
future. v1.1: bugfixes,
with PHP versions greater
notes, recipes now!
small structural changes,
than 4.0.6. This software is
free open source software
released under the terms of
the GNU Lesser General
Public Licence.

Date: Apr, 22 2004

Date: Apr, 15 2004

Date: Apr, 10 2004

Date: Apr, 10 2004
This tool is very similar to
This is a standard set of
This is a set of scripts used
This set of scripts is a
phpMyAdmin, with the
scripts used for email
for logging in members,
standard email processor
difference that the user
processing. There are only
customers, or other logins.
that has a selectable 'Send
interface is built using
two variable to change and
Very simple, very easy
To' email address and a
Macromedia Flash 7
it will be ready to use.
script. Try it out.
selectable subject. The
technology. You may use
This script is very
subject and email address
phpFlashMyAdmin to edit
effective. This can only be
are pulled from a MySQL
mysql table definitions and
used for 1 email address. If
Table. The email address are
perform other common data
you have multiple email
blind so that email bot
management tasks with MySQL.
address I suggest you use
won't pull your emails.
Since Flash is used, there
ct_email for more
Configuration is a little
are no annoying page
flexibility. Also there is a
more difficult than ct_email
refreshes, as there are with
blind email version so that
but works well when
HTML-based management
you won't get hit by mail
configured properly.
tools. phpFlashMyAdmin
takes MySQL management a
step further... with this
tool, you will now have the
ability to create, edit, and
remove InnoDB table
relationships, a feature
that is commonly found in
advanced, GUI-based
databases like MS Access and
SQL Server. You may cascade
updates and deletions of
table data, and enforce
referential integrity among
your data. This is a feature
which truly sets
phpFlashMyAdmin apart from
any other MySQL
administration tools.

Date: Apr, 01 2004

Date: Mar, 31 2004

Date: Mar, 31 2004

Date: Mar, 31 2004
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