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PHP Commenter

Hits: 962

PHP Counter Script Tutorial

Hits: 623

PHP DataGrid

Hits: 1552

PHP Directory Indexer

Hits: 1542
A commenter script I made a
This short tutorial will
he phpGrid© is a simple but
PHP Directory Indexer is a
while ago. Simple to use and
teach you how to make a
powerful tool for generating
PHP script, meant to replace
easy to configure to match
counter script assuming you
data-bound grid control in
apache's default directory
your site. No database
are slightly familiar with
PHP environment. Grid-based
lister module. It supports
required, uses only a php
editing including browse,
various things, like,
script and flat file (.txt).
create, view, update and
themes, an icon for each
Can be easily changed just
remove records are the most
file type, aliases, let user
leave the copyright plz.
common behaviors for web
choose how to order and wich
developers. The phpGrid is
theme to use.
excellent for
database-driven web site.
Just a few lines of code
will create nice and
professional looking
datagrid. It dramatically
decreases product
turn-around time for PHP web

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Dec, 30 2003

Date: Jul, 07 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004
An emailer script with error
A tutorial on beginning PHP.
This program was designed to
PHP Live Assist has more than
handling, filters for html
Simple and easy to
display a list of links
30 powerful features that
tags and 's. Easy to set up
understand. More tutorials
sorted into groups. I made
will bring your on-line
just upload onto server and
coming soon.
it to use as my homepage so
sales desk to life. Whether
wala! Currently under GPL
that all my links are at my
you are a small site or on
license. Requires SMTP or
fingertips. I made this
the Fortune 500 list PHP
program skinable using CSS.
Live Assist has all the
This is a standalone
power and scalability you'll
turn-key program that
ever need. Simply take a
requires no setup. Simply
free test drive to find out
unzip and go. If you do not
for yourself. This is an ASP
want to use this as an
solution that runs on our
index.php you can rename it
to any filename you want.
The program will detect its
name and adjust accordingly.

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Dec, 29 2003

Date: Jul, 17 2004

Date: Nov, 02 2003
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