
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */




Hits: 1127

1 2 Send Mime Mail

Hits: 1713

::File Uploader:: Beta

Hits: 808
A basic PHP and MySQL
This is not a stand-alone
This is a basic but secure
A demo of a In-link portal
guestbook. First version ie
script. It contains only a
file upload program that
engine user. See listing
the simplest version.
php-function for inclusion
allows you to restrict file
for in-link for deatails.
Second version coming out
into other php scripts. It's
extensions and file sizes to
soon with admin capabilities.
purpose is to make sending
a maximum extent , this php
mime-type emails easier.
script comes with a ReadMe
You can attach as many
file that will guide you
files as you wish. You can
through setting this up and
send HTML-formatted mails,
trust me , its pretty easy
with direct input or
to setup. More features will
template based.
be added in the near future !

Date: May, 31 2004

Date: May, 29 2004

Date: Sep, 21 2004

Date: Aug, 08 2004
This calendar will always
Admins can now post in large
This is the most complete
This is a simple Form Mail
show the next consecutive
red color text. This can
real estate system you could
for your site. You can edit
months in a page layout you
easily be modified to change
find. The admin can post
to what address you would
can easily alter. Our
the colour & size to
houses with price and
like to have the mail sent
running example shows the
suit your forums.
multiple images. In the
to. Only need two pages
next 12 months. Admin
admin area you can also
which it comes with for you
access allows you to change
update the different text
to edit.Please take a moment
all the cosmetics via the
only pages, just type in the
to visit our site and join
web: both the calendar as
text you wanted to get
our Forum for more.
well as the DHTML popup box
displayed and update. 3
that shows your special
different templates are
day's message - which can be
available and user can
any valid HTML coded message
switch between 2 languages.
- or just plain text. Once
And even more....
you enter the dates, the
calendar program will
determine when your event
should be shown based upon
'today's' date. Easy
install in 5 minutes.

Date: Jan, 14 2004

Date: Mar, 10 2004

Date: Jun, 20 2004

Date: Mar, 29 2004
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