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/** Search */




Hits: 1596


Hits: 1951


Hits: 2345

Phrase Rotator

Hits: 1596
This tool is very similar to
PHPMyStats is a PHP script
PhpProxy is a web-based
The ideia is to pub a lot of
phpMyAdmin, with the
especially designed to give
HTTP proxy software written
sentences in a txt files,
difference that the user
information about your
in PHP, which allows users
and the script randomly
interface is built using
server running Windows or
to browse the net without
picks a sentence at the time
Macromedia Flash 7
Linux. It gives information
restrictions and
and show it in your site.
technology. You may use
about the system, memory,
anonymously,without having
phpFlashMyAdmin to edit
drives attached, network,
to modify their browser's
mysql table definitions and
pci information, and many
SOCKS proxy options.Its aims
perform other common data
more. You can make your own
are to be easy to use and
management tasks with MySQL.
modules and templates. It's
lightweight. PhpProxy
Since Flash is used, there
simpely to use, admin panel
supports the automatic
are no annoying page
for changing the positions
modification of href, src,
refreshes, as there are with
and do more things
and action attributes of
HTML-based management
HTML tags to route all those
tools. phpFlashMyAdmin
requests back through the
takes MySQL management a
script as well as URL and
step further... with this
page scrambling features.it
tool, you will now have the
also support GET,POST data
ability to create, edit, and
to server,pass cookies to
remove InnoDB table
host! it support download
relationships, a feature
zip,tar.gz and so
that is commonly found in
advanced, GUI-based
supports http and https
databases like MS Access and
which require install
SQL Server. You may cascade
OpenSSl moudule at server.
updates and deletions of
table data, and enforce
referential integrity among
your data. This is a feature
which truly sets
phpFlashMyAdmin apart from
any other MySQL
administration tools.

Date: Apr, 01 2004

Date: Feb, 01 2004

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Oct, 27 2003
ProFTPd Admin is a fully
The ProviderTool is for the
Lots of cool stuff. User
This script searches the
functional web-interface for
administrative needs of your
login/register, user
current directory for a
administrating and
Linux Internet server. The
profiles, custom avatars,
folder named
monitoring ProFTPd accounts,
software is divided into a
reply pagination, dynamic
"img". If found,
it uses mysql and php and is
subcomponent Admin Tool,
style choosing, many
it grabs a random image in
easy to install. Essentially
Customer Tool and a Reseller
features and settings, event
the img folder and displays
if you are using the
Tool. Each subcomponent
logging. It's purty damn
it on your page. If not
excellent ProFTPd server.
tool manages a separate zone
found, it goes down a
that is setup for the
directory level and searches
specific needs of your
for the img folder again
administrator, end user and
until it finds one.
reseller. You will be able
to add, delete and change
settings and users with just
a couple of clicks.
ProviderTool is delivered
with a separate Apache and
PHP server environment.

Date: Sep, 14 2005

Date: May, 15 2004

Date: Jul, 02 2004

Date: Apr, 16 2005
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