PHP/Scripts and Programs/Polls and Voting
nPoll – The Polling System is a dynamic polling system that lets users create multiple polls on...
PHP/Scripts and Programs/Database Tools
Sapphire is a pure PHP database wrapper class created to simplify the work with the different...
PHP/Scripts and Programs/Real Estate
Acme Agent is continually developed around real world use.
PHP/Software and Servers/Software
DNO Localhost is a complete software package allowing to use all the power and the flexibility...
PHP/Scripts and Programs/Games and Entertainment
Entertainment Site Scripts Is Written in PHP/Mysql...
PHP/Scripts and Programs/Redirection/URL Based
Opendomains will help you become Free Domain Provider, build in Php/Mysql.
PHP/Scripts and Programs/E-Commerce/Shopping Carts
osCMax is a powerful and flexible e-commerce shopping cart and inventory tracking system.
PHP/Tips and Tutorials/Email Systems
This script will not only check the email by regex but it will also use mx records to check if...
PHP/Tips and Tutorials/Development
Here's how to team up two of the most popular and powerful platforms for web development together.
PHP/Scripts and Programs/File Manipulation
This script will allow you to edit text based files (html...