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/** Search */



Blind Email Script

Hits: 1535

Caching RSS News Reader

Hits: 1473

CCD Realty One

Hits: 750


Hits: 686
This set of scripts is a
A class to list the latest
Installation included. A
I made this system for use
standard email processor
RSS feeds news sites. I have
full-featured real estate
with my two teenaged kids.
that has a selectable 'Send
included a caching facility,
web site suitable for
We have them use this simple
To' email address and a
this is important to have.
agents, brokers and offices.
form to fill in a daily
selectable subject. The
Most sites that allow you to
A MySQL database backend,
subject and email address
list their news items will
plus secure, web-based
are pulled from a MySQL
probably ask that you cache
administrative access gives
Table. The email address are
the pages for at least half
you and your webmaster total
blind so that email bot
an hour, it,s only polite to
control over content, style,
won't pull your emails.
conform with this. I've
data and preferences.
Configuration is a little
not really tested this
Includes lead-generation
more difficult than ct_email
script a great deal, too
features and is completely
but works well when
busy working. The feeds I
customizable. Try the free
configured properly.
tested were the ones in the
demo. Add your own listings
test area of the file and
and agent data.
some others RSS v0.91, v2,
RDF. They all worked fine
however if you find anything
let me know and I will make
the time for alterations.

Date: Mar, 31 2004

Date: Aug, 30 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Jul, 27 2004
Contax is a searchable
This is a PHP class that you
You have probably seen a
a simple graphical
Web-based contact management
can use to convert between
guestmap before, you click
onClick-counter. leading
application. It was designed
utf-8, windows, iso, dos,
on a map and you can place a
zero's, imagesize and
with simplicity in mind.
ibm, mac charsets. It's very
dot with a message attached
number of digits
Users should be able to
useful with databases, text
to it. This kinda works the
easily integrate it into
procesing, especially when
same. In the default version
their existing Web site. All
you have many people on
you can add place a smiley
styles and colors can be
different computers and
on the map, however you can
customized with CSS.
different operating systems
modify it as much of you
working on the same web site.

Date: Oct, 29 2003

Date: Jul, 29 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Jun, 01 2004
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