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Xaprio Solutions

Hits: 316
We offer free and retail
Techiesabode is being built
PHPBee is a community site
Xaprio Solutions aims towards
resources for PHP
to make it a one-point
providing 100s of real-world
the "Web
developers, designers,
access to the world of
how-to's to help new
Fulfillment" by
webmasters, site owners and
software development. This
developers quickly build
developing and designing
others. Products include
is meant to be a platform
powerful dynamic web
world class applications and
scripts, complete
for techies to hop on and
applications using PHP and
products and by taking the
applications, How To
ride through the web of
Web to Next Generation.The
articles and other FREE and
software development
Company was Founded on 1st
retail resources. Updated
resources. Here you can find
January 2005, with the dream
January 2006.
scripts , tips/Tricks, FAQs
of making an Impact on IT
, article and Discussion
Industry not only in India
forums. Log-on and make it
or Asia, but Worldwide. The
Company pioneers in the
field of Web-Development,
espacially the Dynamic
applications having
Security, Speed and
efficiency as the Major
parameters. The Comapny
deals with complete
Web-Developemnt from Scratch
to small Scripts
Installation, From eCommerce
based web-stores to Data
Entry, From Applications in
Visual Basic to Games in
VisualC++, From Cheapest
Reseller Hosting packages to
Expired domain names, We
have something for everyone
and that's our
speciality. We Don't
consider any work as Small
or Big, we give same output
as in a job of $100, as we
have given in a job of
$10,000. We beleive in
equality and Satisfaction of
Our Clients.

Date: Jan, 10 2006

Date: Jan, 06 2006

Date: Jan, 05 2006

Date: Dec, 24 2005
Talk Post is a Free PHP
Offers several PHP scripts of
A unique freelance script
FORMgen is a wizard that
communication script to let
the author's own, and some
with an extensive admin
allows you to create
your visitors quickly post
written by others and
panel, which is able to
Mortgage, Housing, Survey,
what's on their mind
partially modified. All
handle everything from CMS
and Contact Us forms without
.Visitors will be able to
scripts updated for
of the site to Auctions just
programming a thing. Within
enter their name, location
Globals=OFF and new PHP
like rentacoder and
minutes you can create your
and email address as well as
sessions without
getafreelancer. The script
own Loan Application Form,
smilies and html code which
cookies. Very usefull tips
has the following
Contact Us Form, Survey,
you can choose to display or
section with latest
features: Custom Software
etc... that sends the
turn off all in a compact
tips/links to interesting
Development Auctions,
results to an email account
cPanel page. Bad word list
other tips/hints. Added
Pre-Built Software Selling
(HTML or text) and database.
can be chosen to filter
some tips on difference
Module, Virtual Office,
FORMgen is great for people
through the posted messages
between IE and Firefox this
Project Management,
with no programming
so that you can keep things
can save a few hours trial
Integration with paypal,
experience or for
in order. Timestamp user
and error. Several new
Integration with 2Checkout,
experienced programmers who
messages with a custom
Integration with ITransact,
need a starting point for
date. Add or delete smilie
Arbitration Handling,
creating more elaborate
icons by editing a text file
Private Messaging, Financial
forms. Step 1: Enter a form
that is on the server. Uses
Reports and much more...
name. Step 2: Create the
1 flat text data file for
Admin Contains ::
fields. Step 3: Pick a CSS
processing and just 5 other
Add/Edit/Delete Categories,
template. Step 4: Set the
files not including
Edit/Delete/Enable/Disabl e
form actions. Step 5:
smilies. Features in the
Members, Send E-Mails to
Download your form. Please
cPanel will not work on
Members, Approve Auctions,
note: you must purchase a
firefox netscape browsers.
Approve Code For Sale,
copy of the FORMfields
Feedback Answering,
Library and install it on
Newsletters, Coder's
your web server to power a
Financial Statements,
form generated by FORMgen.
Buyer's Financial
Furthermore, FORMgen is free
Statements, Website's
to use, however you can
Separate Financials. and
purchase a commerical
much more... Special Offer
version that can be
:: Free Hosting for 1 Year
installed on your local web
with Freelance Zone License.
Terms Apply Ends on
30/12/2005. Please see
the demo site for more
details and feel free to
contact us anytime for
setting up the website or if
you have any queries.

Date: Dec, 22 2005

Date: Dec, 21 2005

Date: Dec, 12 2005

Date: Nov, 30 2005
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