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Hits: 326


Hits: 1155
ZeppelinDesign provide
MagZone is a comprehensive
TutorialSelect.com is a new
Vitrax premodded, the forum
professional web and print
online library system, where
site dedicated to
of the future. Contains
creative solutions, custom
you can allow the users to
php/photoshop. It has a
more then 100 add-ons and
web design and development,
rent out magazines, books or
great search tool to find
mods, multi-lang
Flash intros and Flash
any stock which you want to
the tutorials you need!
translations, easy to use
sites, corporate branding
rent. The website features
Submit your tutorials and
for beginners but also
solutions and outsourcing
include: A unique encryption
get hits!
reliable for prof users.
programming to Romania.
scheme developed specially
All you need to run a
by Vastal I-Tech to protect
website of any kind, powered
the users credit card
by phpBB but heavy modded
numbers the encryption is
and editted by Vitrax
password based so only the
Team. Try it now!
one with password will be
able to decrypt the credit
cards numbers. A user can
add books/magazines or your
stock in the wish list and
move the items in wish list
up and down. Categorized
listing of stock. Basic
Search of Stock. Advanced
Search of Stock. 14 days
trial account facility.
Users can update
subscription at any time.
Admin side includes :
Complete CMS, Easy to add in
the stock, categories,
Separate heads for trial
users, processed users,
unsubscribed users, expired
accounts, un processed
users. Complete meta tag
editing, multiple admin
accounts, view users wish
list, view sent stock, view
stock returned, view
returned stock and much
more... Please see the demo
site for more details and
feel free to contact us at
any time.

Date: Jun, 17 2005

Date: Jun, 14 2005

Date: Jun, 08 2005

Date: Jun, 06 2005
Illusions Web Services offers
Fact-Connexion's Computer
Mambodesign.co.uk offer over
custom made php scripts and
Forums, the place to chat
70 mambo templates for the
web designing services.
about anything to do with
mambo open source content
Customer Satisfaction
computers, or get free
management system. We also
computer help. Posts are
offer free mambo templates
replied to within 48 hours.
and in the fouth coming
CONTENT! Article
weeks will be released a
Automator finds your
free mambo template each
articles for you, formats
them and creates pages ready
for your websites from them,
it also creates a
"Snippet" from
each article, and Hyperlinks
the Article Title Above the
article, and a "Click
Here To Read The Rest Of
This Article" link at
the bottom of each
"Snippet", that
lead to the Full article
Page it created from the
original article it found
for you! You simply
place a "Snippet"
or two on the important
pages that you wish to get
highly listed and seen. And
the Search Engines Do the
Rest For You! And the
beauty of this system is
that the Full article pages
give you yet another group
of pages to monetize your
traffic from. And THEY will
get a lot of traffic from
your "Snippet"
pages. Article Automator
Is Perfect For ALL Keyword
Specific Page Generation
Softwares! If you're
using Page Creation Software
like Traffic Equalizer or
Directory Generator, simply
include a group of
"Snippets" in your
templates, to give them the
relevant content aspect the
Search Engines are looking

Date: Jun, 05 2005

Date: Jun, 03 2005

Date: Jun, 02 2005

Date: May, 31 2005
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