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Hits: 715

PHP Knowledge Base

Hits: 730


Hits: 805

PHP Classes Repository

Hits: 362
This site provides a wealth
PHP Knowledge Base provides a
This site dedicated to PHP
PHP Classes Repository is an
of tutorials and articles
collection of more than 500
programming offers many
experimental service that is
regarding PHP programming.
questions and answers
useful tutorials and tips in
intended to be as means of
Whether you are a newbie or
regarding PHP programming.
a diary style format.
distribution of freely
an expert, you will find
Its database is divided into
Currently available
available programming
many useful information
Common Problems, Database
tutorials include date and
classes of objects written
about PHP programming on
Backed Sites, Function
time functions, using
the Web scripting language
this site. It also offers a
Libraries, General
cookies, forms, random
named PHP. The goal of this
discussion forum, Job
Information, Installation
number generation, file
service is build a base of
posting board, and mailing
and Setup, Language and
manipulation, building a
programming components ready
list archive.
Syntax, and Not Quite PHP.
mailing list, and more.
to be used in Web
If you have questions on
applications written in PHP.
PHP, you are likely find
your answers here.

Date: Jan, 23 2000

Date: Jan, 20 2000

Date: Jan, 05 2000

Date: Dec, 26 1999
DirtDobber.Net offers a small
This collection provides a
phpWizard.net offers many
number of PHP3/MySQL-based
growing number of free PHP3
useful and high-quality PHP
sharewares for your site.
scripts including form
scripts for free.
Currently available scripts
Applications currently
include guestbook network
offered include a MySQL
program, Free-For-All (FFAL)
guestbook, script source
database adminstration
network, and link indexing /
viewer and more.
program, a banner management
search engine program.
and tracking system, a form
processor and a voting booth
script. It also features
several small 'Tidbits' such
as Whois and Finger
functions for PHP

Date: Dec, 10 1999

Date: Aug, 26 1999

Date: Jul, 30 1999

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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