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On my site, I have PHP
Collection of free Php
Creativephp is a PHP and
CS-Cart.com provides a full
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DHTML web design resource
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Also offer custom
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programmed by the author for
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cross-browser (IE5 &
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examples like stained glass
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bars, jewel buttons, etc; A
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and an example of a template
driven site with database
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separating content
development from site design
/ program for ease of
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alterations. The site is
Netscape 6 compatible.

Date: Aug, 11 2003

Date: Nov, 11 2003

Date: Jan, 12 2001

Date: Oct, 19 2005
Xeonext specializes in the
Argon Studios delivers
Social networkimg, dating,
CyberGL develops and markets
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robust, easy to use, web
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to medium businesses. All of
unmatched expertise in Open
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Premier web site management
community portal is a social
forum and are GPL licensed.
Apache, Linux etc. We
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newtork script. We also do
Currently available products
provide huge range of ready
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custom projects to your
include: banner manager,
to use solutions as well as
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description. Coding Teams on
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takes the guess work out of
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designing on vBulletin skins
how to become a web success
Created in php and mysql for
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and hacks, helpdesk scripts,
with a proven design and
linux, unix, all windows.
file manager, forum, member
shopping carts and WebMail
marketing process that will
Only 1 database. Best of all
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systems with POP, IMAP &
allow you to win over your
can be used on many types of
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SMTP etc. We have immense
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experience in development of
running on Linux, BSD or
Email Systems, Web-based
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Apache running on Windows.
made as a modular package or
The only requirements are
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that PHP 4.1.0 or above and
Business Mail & ISPs. We
MySQL 3.1.10 or above are
are running a research and
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development center to serve
Hot social netwoking,
our global clients in
develop your way, see if you
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can develop the 25 to 40 age
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myspace.com did for the 18
to 25's with music. Selling
at a fraction of development
costs. We can also manage
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will make it easier and cost
effective, we have coders
ans coding teams ready to
quote you.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 29 2004

Date: Oct, 18 2006

Date: Aug, 10 2001
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