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Web Sites



Hits: 709

Build Your Own Web SIte

Hits: 1119
bombusbee.com is a site
Buddy Zone has all the
• It's easy. You just pick a
We offer a unique product
devoted to the support and
features needed to run a
template; add your own
that combines all the
development of Fusebox for
successful social networking
photos or graphics; and type
resources necessary to
PHP. Fusebox is a free web
community like myspace. The
in your own text. That's it!
create fun, valuable
application standard
features include the
No manuals to read, no
businesses using great
attempting to reduce the 70%
following: Browse by Zip
technical language to learn.
quality designs, integrated
software failure rate by
Code, Search Users, Invite
• It's fast. You build
scripts & affiliate
creating a standard
Users, Internal Mailing
your site in real time. Just
programs and easy step by
methodology for writing web
System, Blogs, Forums,
log on to your Internet
step instructions.
applications. This
Groups, Events, Classifieds,
connection. Click your
development methodology
Address Book, Music, Profile
mouse, hunt and peck your
works with any web
Customization by Users,
way across the keyboard and
application small and large.
Video/Audio codes can be
— in just the time it takes
As the ColdFusion version
used in profiles/blogs,
to do it — your site gets
has moved away from using
Search Users By City, Search
built and/or updated. •
custom tags, porting the
Users By School, User
It's fun. Who has the
techniques across to other
Journals,User Address Book,
patience to learn another
languages has become that
User Gallery with Comments
software program? The
much simpler and far more
and more... We have also
Internet's where the action
elegant. In fact, the core
integrated an admin panel
is — and that's where
techniques of Fusebox 3.0
for the website so that you
WebSite Tonight is, too! You
should apply to the PHP
can administrate it easily.
build your Web site right
version just as they do to
New features which were
inside your familiar browser
the ColdFusion version.
added are: Comment on
window. • It's affordable.
gallery and Invite Only
A 5-page Economy site -
module which lets you make
plenty of space for most
the site not accept new
anyone - is just $9.95 per
registrations but just allow
month. And that includes
users to invite and grow the
hosting and a FREE email
account. (See below for
Basic, Deluxe and Premium

Date: Dec, 05 2001

Date: May, 09 2006

Date: Apr, 03 2005

Date: Jun, 14 2004
More than just
Share code snippets with a
C-Security is an online
Captive Web Solutions is a
clan-management, the
developers community. Rate,
software development company
Brisbane based Web Design
BXCP-project has been
download, and comment on
developing thousands of
and Development business. We
started to create and manage
other snippets. Join a
applications for customers
specialise in the
a small community around it.
development team.
worldwide being both
development of
It also comes up with many
byteMyCode makes it easy
internet and standalone
standards-compliant websites
features for the clan. If
to share your code snippets
related. We are well known
and PHP application
you want to have less work
with a community of talented
for providing a high quality
to do as a clan-leader this
developers. You can also
of service and support all
is the right choice for you.
start a development team,
throughout the day, 7 days a
and share sensitive code
week. This is why we have
snippets between team
became one of the worlds
leading internet and
standalone software
developers, as said in alot
of our customers
testimonials. We
specialise in database
solutions, client/server
side programming, script
installations, server
adjustments, data encryption
and loads more. We do not
only offer software to try
and buy, but we also offer a
service which you can use to
your own advantage.

Date: Sep, 07 2005

Date: Feb, 27 2006

Date: Dec, 20 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2004
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