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PHP Curiosities

Hits: 289

PHP Development Resources

Hits: 758

PHP Everywhere

Hits: 453

PHP Facile

Hits: 809
This site presents a
A new but growing community
This is a weblog that covers
PHP Facile is a French site
collection of problems that
for PHP developers and
using PHP with technologies
that provides PHP resources
may occur programming in
resources. Features include
like COM, ODBC, GD, ActiveX
such as tutorials, scripts,
PHP. The author writes
discussion and Q&A
and ADO. Home of the popular
forum, chat, and more.
"I found them during my
forums, a resource
ADOdb database abstraction
daily work with PHP where I
directory, and web hosting.
library. Also provides a
develope Applications for
collection of links,
the web. There are always
articles and tutorials.
also work-arounds (as far as
I found them) for these

Date: Nov, 25 2001

Date: Apr, 01 2004

Date: Jun, 24 2004

Date: Nov, 01 2000
A site dedicated to those
We know how hard it is for
PHP Hybrid is an online PHP
We offer a service which will
learning PHP from scratch,
employers to find reliable
Community that provides
install your php scripts
as i learnt more PHP i wrote
aspects for their
Tutorials, Scripts and
safely and securely, without
more tutorials... I've also
outsourcing needs. Let us
Programs and PHP / MySQL
the hassles of mysql errors
written PHP applications
help you to secure your
and warnings. We understand
such as blogs, search tools
outsourced project today.We
not all website owners have
and a website... and gave
have professional service
the technical know how to
you a detailed explanation
providers waiting to give
install and configure php
of how to do it yourself
competitive bids. We are
scripts, but this shouldn't
with source code. Gives you
always there for you, taking
hold you back from utilizing
tips from the simplest
you from getting your
php scripts to automate your
techniques to the more
project set up to your
site. Feel free to stop by
complex ones, all in terms
projects satisfied
and see how we can help your
you can understand.
completion.We are here 24/7
for your any questions or
needs you may have.
We're excited about
working together with you to
get your projects completed
to your total satisfaction.
Join Us Today !

Date: Mar, 01 2005

Date: Nov, 29 2006

Date: Jun, 22 2005

Date: May, 31 2004
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