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PHP scripts at Zakkis

Hits: 385

PHP Section at Kisland.com

Hits: 251

Php Toys

Hits: 1048
Zakkis Technology website is
Php Link archive is the
Find PHP tutorials, forums,
This site is dedicated to
targeted at web developers
complete PHP Resource
faqs, BOOKS at Kisland.com
PHP. You can find free
and designers who opt for
including over 80 categories
scripts, tutorials, articles
professional assistance in
with 1500 free php scripts
and news on this page.
website building. Website
and links available. New
has links to PHP software
Search engine optimised
related articles, free PHP
categories provide a Free
scripts written by its
outlet for your Scripts and
developers (ABC MailManager
Website links. A new fully
and banner rotator ABC
re-coded Script Submission
Advertise) and links to
page means we dont have to
commercial PHP scripts that
go through 100's of Spam
are fully supported by tec
links before your scripts
hnical support team. You can
are revieved to go live on
find information on
the site, Average time from
conversion of Excel files to
a script submission to being
MySQL DB or to HTML files,
added to the live site is
website contrent management
under 12 hours! Get all of
systems, e-commerce software
your latest scripts into the
and eCatalog.
system quickly and easily at

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Dec, 08 2006

Date: Dec, 22 2003

Date: Jun, 30 2006
PHP-Archiv is a german PHP
PHP-Center is the german
The site contains a
information center that
resource directory. It
speaking portal site for
collection of web scripts
provides tutorials, scripts,
provides categorized
PHP/mySQL, including the
(PHP, JavaScript, etc) and
help bulletin boards, chat
listings of scripts,
german version of the PHP
web-related Windows
room, manuals, consulting
tutorials, documentation,
Manual, Tips & Tricks,
applications (shareware and
service and links on PHP
links, and more.
Tutorials, FAQ, many links,
freeware). Most scripts are
a job forum, and a german
provided with online
speaking mailing list with
examples. Integration
almost 1000 subscribers.
assistance and customization
is available for shareware

Date: Feb, 24 2000

Date: Sep, 13 2000

Date: Jan, 27 2000

Date: Jul, 05 2006
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